HDC_02 01 2001City of Little Rock
Commissioners Present: Howard H. Gordon Jean Ann Phillips Wyatt Weems Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: John Greer
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Debra Weldon Anthony Black
Visitors Present: Cary Tyson, state CLG coordinator
and other CLG coordinators from various cities
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. As
there was a quorum, the minutes from the previous meetings, 2 November and 7 December 2000,
were approved separately. The November minutes were approved after corrections (spelling and
wording) for a specific legal process related to the 1000 Rock property.
The issue of a deferred (for six months) COA for the demolition of 1421 Cumberland was
discussed. The city's historic district ordinance states if the LRHDC has not made a decision on
the demolition application "within two (2) calendar months after the expiration of the six (6)
months following the first public hearing, the commission shall consider the application as
having been approved ... " Legal discussed available options regarding the deferred COA. The
request for demolition of the structure at 1421 Cumberland was approved unanimously.
Under New/Old Business, there was discussion about the Anderson House, located on Ironton
Road, being nominated to the National Register. It was brought to their attention that the
LRHDC is required to act (recommend approval, etc.) on National Register nominations before
the State Review Board. Cary Tyson, CLG Coordinator with the state Historic Preservation
Program, summarized the nomination process to be incorporated into future proceedings.
The next item of business was the amendment of the LRHDC's By-Laws, a draft of which was
presented and discussed at the previous meeting. The purpose of the amendment is to allow a
periodic review of the local ordinance historic district's design guidelines in order to take into
account, and if necessary incorporate, new materials and techniques. Weldon distributed a draft
of a new article, VI, which is titled "Design Guidelines." There was discussion regarding the
amendment process, previous amendments, etc. There was a motion to approve the new
Article VI of the LRHDC By-Laws; it was approved unanimously.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
1 February 2001 Minutes, Page 2
The next agenda item was discussion about the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process, which
is necessary in order to review the design guidelines. Staff presented an update of the process --
the Board of Directors must vote on the incorporation of a city ordinance to add "historic
preservation consultant" onto the listing of professional services. Another reading of the
proposed ordinance is required, which is the last of three. After approval, the advertisement for
the RFQ will be placed; (a draft RFQ was discussed and approved at the previous meeting).
The noncompliance of the 1000 Rock structure, with Betty Deislinger as property owner, was
discussed. Anthony Black, of the legal department, presented the LRHDC with an update of the
legal process. He was in contact with the owner's attorney to find out if the owner is interested in
coming before the LRHDC for a non-conforming COA. The owner's options are to either come
back before the LRHDC for the noncompliant issues of the approved COA or do nothing.
Gordon stated that he would be interested in the owner coming before the LRHDC for an
amended COA, as that would be a constructive process to resolve the noncompliance. Black
stated that the LRHDC cannot request that the owner come before them for an amended COA.
There are options available, such as to come in with an amended COA, which may be viewed as
an admission of noncompliance. By coming before the LRHDC, the owner will be submitting to
the LRHDC's jurisdiction. If the owner chooses not to recognize the jurisdiction of the LRHDC,
and the owner may fail to do so, there would be no affirmative act of addressing the property's
noncompliance. The attorney will convey to the owner what was discussed and available options.
If the owner fails to take action, whatever that may be (to address her noncompliance, an
amended COA, etc.) then the LRHDC will be justified in proceeding forward, which is to file an
injunction in the county Chancellory court. The LRHDC was advised not to talk with the owner
if she contacts them to talk or ask questions; all questions should be directed to staff as it relates
to COA proceedings, applications, meetings, etc. or to legal as it relates to legal issues. If the
owner decides to come before them for an amended COA, then the required notification, posting
of property, etc. is necessary. There was discussion of the legal process, possible actions,
proceedings, etc. regarding a follow-up of the owner's noncompliance with the approved COA.
The last item for discussion, was the introduction of several CLG coordinators from various
cities (North Little Rock, Ft. Smith, Van Buren, Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, Osceola and
Helena), who were in Little Rock to attend a quarterly training session. A portion of their session
was to observe the LRHDC meeting and to discuss with and ask questions of the LRHDC about
local ordinance historic district issues, concerns and processes.
As there was no business, the LRHDC meeting adjourned.