HDC_08 16 2000City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 16 AUGUST 2000 MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Howard H. Gordon Jean Ann Phillips Wyatt Weems Mark Zoeller Staff Present: V.Anne Guthrie Anthony Black Deborah Wilden The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. Roll call was taken and there was a quorum. The sole purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application for: Applicant: Chris Pratt Address: 314 East 14th Request: Amendment to COA to install vinyl windows The owner stated that he is requesting an amendment as the existing wooden windows are too rotten to rehabilitate; the amendment is to install vinyl windows. The approved COA, which was given in May, allowed the rehabilitation of the wooden and to install storm windows over them. Additional information on the windows was presented; drawings of the proposed vinyl window types were faxed and presented to the LRHDC prior to the meeting. A discussion focused on the owner pleading economic hardship and how that is tied in with the money invested in the structure's rehab and other costs. The owner stated that, for various reasons, he plans to hire another contractor; the LRHDC chair stated that such an action affects the costs of products and labor. There is a great flux in the market that depends on the GC (general contractor) and if a new one is hired, the costs would vary. As no work is scheduled until a GC is selected, the new GC should have the same benefit as the other in terms of costs, comparison, etc. While no work will be done, the owner does have a FHA 203(k) mortgage, which allows six (6) months from the date that the mortgage is initiated to complete the project, or October 29. Greer clarified Pratt's situation: the LRHDC was presented with vinyl windows as an amendment to the approved COA, but other alternatives are needed. In order to prove that wood windows are cost prohibitive, the owner must have three quotes. Greer asked about the three quotes, in terms of the following issues: material costs; the eleven window types; SSB glass (single glaze); insulated; etc. There was a review of the information that was presented in terms of sizing, costs, etc. Little Rock Historic District Commission 16 August 2000 Minutes, Page 2 During this meeting, there was confusion as to what was presented in terms of costs, window sizing, product, specs, etc. The presented material was reviewed in regards to wooden windows, comparable costs, etc. The mortgage had budgeted $3,000 for window repairs and there are estimates of $6,0ClO for window replacement. The total rehab budget was discussed and how the project costs cannot exceed the amount of money in escrow. There was some confusion in the documents detailing project costs: what is actual? What is total mortgage? What is remaining and what is over budget? It is estimated that the project is $17,000 over budget and he has spent $11,000. Greer asked if the project had pay requests, percent completion or if there were more easily read and understood costs break downs. There is no easy break out or break down of project: land acquisition, rehab costs, etc. There was difficulty for all to understand clearly the project costs, costs estimates, etc. Zoeller stated that LRHDC' s purpose is to determine whether the wooden windows would prove to be a financial hardship for the owner; however, a clearer picture of costs and figures is needed. They don't want to approve something now if the situation is going to change with a new GC; need a total cost of the windows and installation costs. Gordon stated that a simple, one-page sheet of a financial statement is needed; it should itemize the balance, rehab costs, costs overrun, etc. Phillips asked how to decide if the role of the LRHDC is to determine financial hardship -­ how can LRHDC legitimize financial hardship as a compromise for the guidelines? Gordon stated that while the house is contributing, a variance from the guidelines is allowable but only with proper information. Black inserted that the design guidelines uphold the ordinance and it is LRHDC's role to uphold the ordinance and guidelines. An economic hardship is a provision of the city ordinance, but the applicant needs to provide proof that he cannot meet the design guidelines regulations. There was some discussion about the specifics of economic hardship and whether it is connected with someone who simply doesn't want to abide by the guidelines. In an approval of an exception, can there be conditions made that there would be no future compromise on additional requests for amendments/changes? The legality of the economic hardship issue was discussed. Gordon made a motion to have another special called meeting when the proper and simplified financial statement and information is prepared. The information should spell out what has been done, how much has been spent and what remains of the rehab project and costs. Greer clarified what was needed in order to make a decision, which is an item by item listing of project, window and vinyl clad window costs estimates (vinyl clad has a similar profile and competitive costs). The LRHDC will convene when the information is provided. The meeting was adjourned.