HDC_03 02 2000City of Little Rock
2 MARCH 2000
Commissioners Present:
John Greer, Chair Howard H. Gordon Jean Ann Phillips
Wyatt Weems Mark Zoeller
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. Roll
call was taken; as there was a quorum, the minutes were approved unanimously.
The first Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was:
Applicant: Charles Evans
Address: 1310 Rock Street
Request: Demolition of structure, Deferred
The applicant presented the application and why he requested its demolition, which is in order to
construct a new single-family residence on the land. He reviewed the structure's condition
report, which emphasized its poor condition. After brief discussion and a review of the staff
recommendations, there was a motion to approve the demolition on condition that the new
residence have LRHDC approval prior to construction; the vote was unanimous.
The next Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was:
Applicant: Myra Ash
Address: 1423 Cumberland
Request: Demolition of structure
The applicant presented the request, the structure's status and history and the condition report.
The owner, who lived in the apartments north of the subject property, bought it in 1993; it was
condemned then. In hopes of rehabilitating it, she received three bids, which ranged from
$180,000 to $190,000. Last year, she was notified by the city that it was an unsafe structure;
approximately $180,000 was estimated to bring it up to code, and she could not afford the costs.
The owner did state that she wanted to do something to the structure, such as place it on the
market for sale, if the city would allow time to seek other avenues. While some items related to
the structure have not been confirmed with her insurance company, she will meet with them to
Little Rock Historic District Commission
2 March 2000 Minutes, Page 2
determine its status. Also, she needs to find out whether her insurance or the city would bear the
costs for its demolition. Phillip Naylor, the owner's agent, stated that the structure was on
FEMA's listing of damaged structures.
There was discussion about the deferral. The structure still must meet city codes in terms of
boarding and securing, yard maintenance, etc. There was a motion to defer the demolition
request up to six months or until such time that something may be done or it has sold; the
vote was unanimous to defer the request.
Under old business, the property owner on the west side of the 900 block of Scott, Mary
Buchanan, was asked to attend the meeting to present the non-compliance of asphalting three
driveways and a parking lot. The property owner was notified by letter requesting her presence
before the LRHDC; three letters were written. Buchanan stated that she has owned the property
for over twenty years; she had no dealings with the LRHDC and pleaded ignorance on knowing
its procedures. She did not know that projects, such as asphalting of driveways and parking lots,
required LRHDC approval, even though staff supplied her with a copy of the district's design
guidelines a couple of years ago.
Greer reiterated the design guidelines for driveways, parking lots, paving materials and curb cuts.
Asphalt is not allowed as a paving material in the historic district. There was discussion about
the asphalt paving of the two driveways and the parking lot (located at 920, 908 and 900 Scott);
the work was performed last fall, without a city permit. There are two driveways located at 908
and 920 Scott, which have asphalt paving. The 920 Scott driveway is in the rear of the structure
and has entry from 10th. After much discussion and graphic illustration, it was decided that the
asphalt driveways are to be removed, from the sidewalk and the street ROW up to the rear of the
structures and replaced with recommended (pavement) materials.
The parking lot, at 900 Scott on th e southwest corner of 9th and Scott streets, had new asphalt
paving along with the asphalt driveway on Scott as entry to the lot. It was discussed that from
the frontline of structures facing Scott to the street curb, the area or ROW is to remain open, with
landscaping, which softens the hard surfaces and provides a landscaped delineation of the
neighborhood. It was suggested that the two driveways (cement and asphalt) for the parking lot
on Scott should be removed. Staff will work with Public Works to ensure that the proposed plan
meets city regulations for surface parking lots.
There was a motion to have the following:
♦For the two driveways, the asphalt will be removed and replaced with
either gravel or concrete; for the 10th Street driveway (behind 920 Scott), the
asphalt will be removed from the sidewalk to the structure's south line; for
the driveway on Scott, the asphalt will be removed from the street to the rear,
or west, line of the structure.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
2 March 2000 Minutes, Page 3
♦For the two parking lot driveways (on Scott), both will be closed with only
one entrance and exit on 9th, duplicating the parking lot on the northwest
corner of Scott and 9th.
♦Landscaping will be placed on the perimeter (from the frontline of the red
apartments to the sidewalk) and a green space between sidewalk and parking
lot on 9th and Scott streets.
The vote was unanimous for the work to be approved with the stipulated conditions. A
letter to Buchanan will delineate and illustrate what was approved and what must be done to
comply; the driveway and associated work must be done within six months.
Under new business, the agenda item of changing McAlmont Street to (Sid) McMath Avenue
from 9th south to the Law School was raised. After discussion about the commission's role in
renaming streets, it was decided that the LRHDC would remain neutral on the issue.
Also, as there was no response from staffs letter to Betty Deislinger regarding her compliance
with the design guidelines, it was recommended that Anthony Black write a letter, reiterating
what actions must be taken within the six months in order to comply with the guidelines and the
LRHDC directive.
For the election of officers, it was proposed to retain the existing officers for another term; John
Greer is Chair and Howard Gordon is Vice-Chair. It was unanimously approved.
As there was no other business, the LRHDC meeting adjourned at 6: 15 p.m.