HDC_02 03 2000City of Little Rock
Commissioners Present:
John Greer, Chair Howard H. Gordon Jean Ann Phillips Wyatt Weems
Commissioners Absent: Mark Zoeller
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Margi Gant Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. Roll
call was taken; as there was a quorum, the minutes were approved unanimously. The sole
Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was:
Applicant: Charles Evans
Address: 1310 Rock Street
Request: Demolition of structure
As the applicant was not present, the application request was deferred until the next meeting.
Under old business, the LRHDC had requested that the owner of property on the west side of the
900 block of Scott attend this meeting to present the non-compliance of asphalting three
driveways and a parking lot. The property owner was notified by letter requesting her presence
before the LRHDC; staff visited with her over the phone on several occasions and met in her
home the day before the meeting. As the owner was not in attendance at this meeting, there was
discussion about the asphalt paving of three driveways on Scott (904, 908 and 920) and the
parking lot on the southwest comer of 9th and Scott streets; the new driveway on Scott also does
not have a curb cut. There was discussion about the responsibility of the LRHDC and the
compliance of the work with Public Works, etc. There was a motion and unanimous vote to have
permits issue a citation for failure to obtain the proper permits; also that the property owner must
appear before the LRHDC at their 2 March meeting. Failure of the owner to appear before the
LRHDC at the March meeting will necessitate legal action against the property owner.
The election of officers will be put off until the next meeting. As there was no other business,
the LRHDC meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
(NOTE: after the adjournment, the COA applicant and the Scott property owner showed up at the meeting)