HDC_09 02 1999City of Little Rock
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: Howard H. Gordon Charles Marratt
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Margi Gant Anthony Black
Guests: Scott Carter (Arts & Humanities Promotion Commission)
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. Roll
call was taken; with two absences, there was a quorum, and the minutes from the previous (the
8-5 and a special called on the 8-12) meetings were approved unanimously.
The first Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application for consideration was:
Applicant: Arkansas Arts Center
Address: 501 East 9th Street
Request: Addition to structure
John Pagan, Arkansas Arts Center (AAC) staff was present and turned the presentation over to
Kent Taylor of the Cromwell architectural firm. Taylor described the proposed 27' x 50' (1,350
square foot) gallery addition, which is located on the AAC's northern elevation. The proposed
gallery is lower in height than the existing structure and the addition and is less than 5% of the
addition's square footage (NOTE: the 31,500 square foot addition was approved by the LRHDC
last year and is under construction). The proposed gallery duplicates the existing elevation in
terms of rhythm, massing, openings and materials. It is imperative that the gallery tie in with the
ongoing construction for the grand opening early next year.
Gardner asked whether the proposed gallery replaces the proposed outside dining on the north
elevation (it is east of the outside dining). Also, there was a question about the need for the
gallery --the donor wants a specific location for the collection and the donation is contingent on
exhibit space. Staff recommendation is to approve the addition on condition that staff be notified
should there be alterations in materials, scale, etc. There was a motion to approve the gallery
addition based on staff recommendation; the vote was unanimous.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
2 September 1999 Minutes, Page 2
The second COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: City of Little Rock, Parks and Recreation Department
Address: U.S. Arsenal Building, MacArthur Park
Request: Install new roof due to tornado damage
Melinda Raley, deputy city attorney, introduced the representatives at the meeting: John
Connell, architect; Steve Maclntire, Director of the Military Museum and Matt Gardner of Parks
and Recreation. Raley summarized the structure's need for a roof, which was damaged by the
January tornado; she has been working with the respective insurance company to repair the
Arsenal's roof. Raley explained the extent of roof damages, presented drawings and detailed the
insurance company's quotes for repairing the roof. Two bids were presented for the structure's
roof, one for $66,000 with the hand crafted metal detailing and another bid for $42,000 for a
prefabr-icated roof. The choice of the two bids is contingent on the LRHDC's decision as to
which roof is appropriate for the historic structure.
Connell described in detail the existing roofing system and the need for a total replacement of the
roof due to the extensive damage. The difference between the two bids, the standard standing
seamed roof with snap-on batten and the hand seamed metal roof, was illustrated with photos.
The prefab roofing system (snap-on batten) has an 8" width ridge, and there is no ridge on the
hand seamed; the snap-on has a taller profile as opposed to the hand seamed; and the snap-on has
shorter and different section overlaps. There was discussion about general roofing concerns:
whether the prefinished metal roof was available in embossed aluminum; additional details about
the roofing systems; what gauge of metal is proposed; color of metal and its patina; and the need
for repairs to the parapets with the availability of additional funds. Gardner made a motion to
approve the hand seamed metal roof (and to reject the prefab roof due to differences of the
width, shadow, profile, size, etc. as listed by the architect). The vote was unanimous to
approve the hand seamed roof.
The last COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: City of Little Rock, Housing and Neighborhood Programs
Address: 1415 Commerce and 1422 Rock streets
Request: Demolition of structures due to fire and tornado
Barbara Hyatt, city Code Enforcement Supervisor, presented the COA application for 1415
Commerce, which was declared unsafe due to damages caused by the January tornado and a
subsequent fire. The property owner does not plan to rebuild due to extensive damages. There
was brief discussion regarding the adjacent properties and their damages; all of which are being
rebuilt. Gardner asked about the process of city demolition of structures, which are under or not
insured. After a brief discussion, there was a motion to approve the demolition of 1415
Commerce; the vote was unanimous.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
2 September 1999 Minutes, Page 3
The demolition request for 1422 Rock was explained, in terms of the previous action, in which
the owner came before the LRHDC in August to request the installation of a roof with a different
slope for the subject property. Since the tornado removed the roof in January (the structure has
been unprotected during the interim), the applicant was requesting a new one, which had less of a
pitch than the original. Due to lack of information regarding construction details for the
proposed roof, the LRHDC deferred the request until a roof drawing could be presented. In the
interim, and as a follow up of the tornado clean up/inspection program, the city initiated the
process to declare the subject structure unsafe. City staff was aware of the owner's request for a
new roof. Staff recommendation for 1422 Rock is to deny demolition.
There was discussion regarding the structure and it's proposed roof, the structure's condition
since the January tornado, property insurance, what the owner wants to do with the structure and
the structure's compliance with city safety code, etc. It was recommended to defer the request
for demolition until the owner decides whether he wants a new roof or wants the city to demolish
the structure. There was a motion to defer the request for demolition of 1422 Rock for three
months; the vote was unanimous.
Under old business, Richard Butler of East 10th Street was present regarding AAC's application
and to present an update of the rehabilitation of his single-family cottage on the southwest corner
of 10th and Commerce streets. He stated that code enforcement in a historic district can be an
impediment to those rehabbing historic structures. Also, under old business, Gardner asked
whether the letter to Archie Hearne (regarding the sale of the property on the northeast comer of
10th and Rock streets) was mailed. Staff stated that the letter would be written.
As there was no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.