HDC_08 12 1999City of Little Rock
12 AUGUST 1999
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner
Charles Marratt Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: Howard H. Gordon
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Margi Gant Anthony Black
The special called meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was
brought to order. Roll call was taken, and there were two absences (NOTE: Marratt entered the
meeting after the first hearing). There were no minutes presented.
The Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application deferred from a previous meeting was:
Applicant: ArtSpace, LLC
Address: 916 - 924 Commerce Street
Request: Rehabilitate structure into apartments
The applicant, owner and architect, Tim Heiple, explained the balcony and window details,
especially the conversion of existing double windows into new door and window balconies.
Also explained were the existing window scheme with storm windows and how they will be
utilized for the rehabilitation project. He presented more detailed drawings of the window
schedule and digital photos of the pre-existing windows; by using the existing 6/6 paned
windows, there will be minimal alterations to the window openings. There was sufficient
information presented by the applicant to determine how the exterior and the windows will be
rehabbed. Gardner made a motion that the COA be approved as presented with the
drawings, photos and staff recommendations; it was unanimously approved.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
12 August 1999 Minutes, Page 2
The second COA considered, also a deferral, was:
Applicant: City of Little Rock, Parks and Recreation Department
Address: 1201 Commerce Street
Request: Rehabilitation of structure due to tornado damage
Matt Gardner, of the city Parks and Recreation Department, presented the proposed rehabilitation
plans. Particular attention was given to 'the casement windows, which will be replaced with the
original wooden ones. Each elevation was described in terms of rehabilitation and repairing the
structure and taking it, as much as feasible, back to its original fabric and footprint. Some
discussion items were the removal of roof vents and a dormer on the south. Other concerns were
the aluminum windows replaced with the original wood casements and the details of the door,
sidelights and transom on the west elevation. Already removed are the enclosed side porches and
the southern glass addition. Gardner made a motion that the project be approved as presented
and with the staff recommendations; it was unanimously approved.
As there was no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 5:45 p.m.