HDC_04 08 1999City of Little Rock
(This meeting date was scheduled on 28 January due to tornado damages)
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner
Howard H. Gordon Charles Marratt Mark Zoeller
Staff: V.Anne Guthrie Margi Gant Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
roll call was taken. As there was a quorum, minutes from previous meetings were approved.
The first COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: Robert Perry
Address: 1415 Rock Street
Request: Demolition of structure due to tornado damage
The owner and applicant, Robert Perry, presented the application request for the demolition of
his home due to damages incurred by the 21 January tornado. Additional photographs were
passed around as support documentation. Staff noted that the structure was assessed as destroyed
on three listings: Public Works; Code Enforcement (city ordinance listing this structure along
with others); and the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP). The applicant was before
the LRHDC last year for the structure's rehabilitation and was within two weeks of moving into
the house. It was moved by Gordon that the application for demolition be approved; the vote
was unanimous for its demolition.
The second COA application was:
Applicant: Susan and Daniel Sheehan
Address: 1422 Scott Street
Request: Demolition and new construction of garage
The owner and applicant, Dan Sheehan, presented the COA request. The subject property is a
1930s -40s garage, which was moved off its foundation by the tornado. It was inspected by
Jimmy Pritchett, city Code Enforcement Supervisor who confirmed and reported the structure's
condition. The new garage will be compatible with adjacent structures in that it has: increased
roof pitch (from 3-12 to 9-12); increased overall height; decreased setback (moving it about 3'
closer to street, in line with adjacent outbuilding to the west); beveled weather siding; and
composition shingles instead of roll roofing.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
8 April 1999 Minutes, Page 2
Due to the structure's location in two overlay districts, Capitol Zoning District (CZDC) and
MacArthur's, the project must be approved by both. The CZDC reviews and approves setbacks,
height, use, variances, design and new construction. There was discussion regarding the
structure's design, etc. Gardner made a motion to accept the staff recommendations and
approve the application with conditions. Staff recommendation was to approve the garage's
demolition and new construction contingent on CZDC's approval of the project, its construction,
setbacks, design review, etc. The vote was unanimous to approve the COA application.
Under old business, the rehabilitation project on 514 East 9th Street was raised and how the
railings were not in compliance with approved drawings by the LRHDC. Progress photos were
passed around for review. Greer stated that from the photos, it is evident that the finished
product (railings and balustrade) does not meet the specifications of the approved plans. When
asked whether they are acceptable or not, Greer stated that they are unacceptable balusters: the
railings are not as drawn, are not to scale, are not proportional in spacing or size, inferior fabric
was used and instead of a detailed cap on top of balustrade, a 2x 10 was used because it's
cheaper. It was noted that there may be problems with the portico as well. The AHPP has an
easement on the structure, but they have been unsuccessful in getting in reaching the owner. It
was recommended that there be a stop work order issued until an explanation is given as to why
the railings were not constructed as drawn.
In the same vein, Graves Litho at 900 Cumberland also did not follow the approved plans.
Instead of glass blocks on the front (north) facade's entry as presented, depicted and approved,
the finished product has bronze windows in the front opening as well as throughout. Staff
recounted a phone conversation with Graves about why bronze windows were in place instead of
the glass block. Their original rehab plan was to install aluminum windows throughout and glass
blocks on the front entry only. A letter from Graves explained that one commissioner had
mentioned that bronze windows would look better and they took that advice.
While the issue with Graves may be more subjective, both rehab projects are instances where the
applicant did not install what was presented to and approved by the LRHDC. There was
discussion regarding the approval process and how to ensure that owners comply with the
approved work. Greer reminded that the district's design review guidelines, page 4, states that
work contrary to what was approved is subject to a fine; a fine may be levied due to non
compliance with the approved plans, changing materials or not getting LRHDC approval. A stop
work order may be issued as well until the owner appears before the LRHDC. It was agreed that
a letter would be sent to both stating that the LRHDC requests that the owner explain why the
approved plans were not followed; the applicant may respond either by letter withing a specified
time period or appear in person at the next meeting.
Applicants must be held accountable for what was approved, and the issue of non-compliance is
a role of city government. It was agreed that the COA application should note change of
approved plans or an affidavit should be signed regarding deviation from plans.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
8 April 1999 Minutes, Page 3
On other preservation issues, staff reported on the emergency $50,000 CLG grant from AHPP; it
is still in progress and the check has not been issued. Several grant applications have been
received. Also, the 1999 CLG grant proposals are due in a week; the City will be requesting
another survey for Dunbar, a Stifft Station survey, etc.
Another preservation topic focused on the Quapaw Quarter Association's (QQA) grant for the
Villa; also whether the chimney repair work being undertaken has the approval of both the
CZDC and the LRHDC. It was agreed that a letter should be sent reminding the QQA of their
location in the local ordinance district and the required LRHDC approval for a permit. The
possibility of QQA relocating the Jones cottage into the local ordinance district was discussed;
such action also would require LRHDC approval. A summary was presented by staff of the
$27,000 contract with the QQA for their architectural salvage operation.
A tornado update of structures in MacArthur's historic district was presented in regard to the
upcoming meeting with four demolitions, tornado insurance in the historic districts and other
As there was no other business, the LRHDC meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.