HDC_03 04 1999City of Little Rock
(This meeting date was scheduled on 28 January due to tornado damages)
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner
Howard H. Gordon Charles Marratt Mark Zoeller
Staff: V.Anne Guthrie Margi Gant Cindy Dawson (legal representative)
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
roll call was taken; there was a quorum but no minutes were presented. The first COA under
consideration was:
Applicant: Bill Miller, agent
Address: 311 East 14th Street
Request: Replace tiled roof with fiberglass singles (Deferred Application)
Bill Miller, as agent representing the subject property, stated that the costs estimates had not been
obtained yet. (NOTE: agent notified staff prior to the meeting that the application would be
deferred due to no estimates) Miller asked for clarification regarding the property: if the lack of
LRHDC approval for a roof replacement excludes HUD from listing the structure on the market.
He stated that the single-family structure was for sale prior to the tornado; it was removed for
repairs (windows, doors, etc). It was agreed that the property could be listed and prospective
buyers would be informed of the required LRHDC approval for roof replacement.
The next COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: Jamie and Mark Blakely
Address: 1410 Rock
Request: Rehabilitate structure to pre-tornado condition
Applicant Jamie Blakely presented the request and reviewed the tornado damage of the structure.
The rehabilitation plans were summarized: leveling the house; foundation repair; remove
exterior artificial siding and replace with existing wooden clapboard; replace the roof, front door,
windows, storm windows, chimneys and rear privacy fence; a new iron fence for front yard;
repair the carriage house with similar materials (roof, windows, etc.); and reconstruct the front
porch. Photographs were shown as to the configuration of the front porch, door and railings.
When the drawings, or elevations, of the front porch are completed, they will require
administrative approval; the AIA is offering architectural services in terms of drawings, etc. for
storm victims. A motion was made that the application be approved as presented with
condition that the requested elevation be placed on file and approved by staff. The request
was unanimously approved.
A MacArthur Park historic district property owner was present; his house was damaged by the
tornado, and he had questions about historic roofing (metal, standing seam, etc). It was noted
that a COA application for demolition of the Park Place condominiums at 10th and Commerce
streets would be reviewed soon. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.