HDC_02 18 1999City of Little Rock
(This meeting date was scheduled on 28 January due to tornado damages)
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner
Howard H. Gordon Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: Charles Marratt
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
roll call was taken; there was a quorum, but no minutes were presented.
The first COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: Wyatt Weems
Address: 1402 Commerce
Request: Rehabilitate structure to pre-tornado condition (porch, roof, dormers, etc.)
The applicant, and owner, presented photographs of the two-storied home and outbuildings
before and after the tornado. He asked that the application be amended to incorporate the
demolition of a small outbuilding due to its being blown off its foundation.
The request for reconstructing the porch, window and storm window replacement and
rehabilitation of the roof and dormer were detailed. The contractor explained the details in
regard to the railing, baluster, columns, etc.; they are reproducing the architectural elements.
Discussion focused on the need for architectural drawings, or elevations, of the porch, especially
for purposes of consistency (Black raised the issue due to a previous application). A motion was
made to approve the COA request based on photos, as presented and on the condition that
elevation and shop drawings of porch details be submitted. The request was approved
unanimously. The amended application to include the demolition of the outbuilding was
discussed. Staff will investigate its condition (from AHPP, etal.) to determine if outbuildings
were assessed for tornado damage. The amended application for the demolition of the
outbuilding was approved.
A brief conversation ensued regarding upcoming LRHDC meetings, the Mosaic Templars press
conference (regarding the RFP) and confirming a site meeting at 514 East 9th to assess the work.
As there was no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.