HDC_02 11 1999City of Little Rock
(The 4 February regular meeting was rescheduled to this date)
Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Judy Gardner Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: Howard H. Gordon Charles Marratt
Staff: V. Anne Guthrie Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and
roll call was taken; there was a quorum but no minutes were presented.
The agenda was amended due to a meeting conflict. Dana Camey, Zoning Administrator,
presented the LRHDC with parking requirements for the historic district. The requirements are
contained in the city's zoning ordinance for urban renewal areas, of which the district is largely
composed ( copies were distributed). Parking is specific for new development and must be
provided on-site. Variances for parking are sought when requirements cannot be met; variances
go with the property and do not have time limits. Carney summarized the parking history for the
514 E. 9th property ( a variance was approved in 1982). If a parking lot is a request before the
LRHDC, design issues as landscaping, materials, siting, etc. are considered, but parking
requirements, and their waivers, are under the city's zoning division consideration. The action
that the LRHDC took regarding the COA request for the 9th Street property was proper, in terms
of not considering accessory parking.
The first COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: Bill Miller, agent
Address: 311 E. 14th Street
Request: Roof replacement of tile with fiberglass shingle
Bill Miller stated that, as an agent for HUD, he is also the area manager for their properties. He
was informed that with two commissioners absent, he had the option of deferring until all were
present or continuing the presentation and subsequent vote; he opted to continue. He reviewed
the tornado damage to the structure; a majority of the tiled roof is damaged and the request is to
replace the tile with fiberglass shingles. The two-storied, brick single-family structure has
approximately $7,400 of repairs needed. The subject property was listed for sale when the
tornado occurred; it was removed from the listing so repairs could be made. The single-family
house is a FHA foreclosure, which defaulted to HUD. The structure was on the market for about
two weeks prior to the tornado and was vacant for about six months; its appraised value is
$30,000, which is the asking price.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
11 February 1999 Minutes, Page 2
Gardner asked why HUD didn't want to replace the tiles with the same material; he replied that
the estimated costs of $25,000 to $30,000 to replace the roofing material with similarly styled
material is too high (the existing is flat, interlocking tiled shingle; circa 1920s). Of the existing
tile, what wasn't blown off by the tornado, is broken. The windows need glass replacement.
While the structure's damage was classified as heavy by the AHPP, the structure was
deteriorating prior to reverting to HUD. After discussing the request and available options for
HUD and the LRHDC, there was a motion that the LRHDC defer the application until cost
estimates for tile replacement could be obtained. It was approved unanimously.
The second COA application was:
Applicant: Bill Harriell, Bylites owner
Address: 712 E. 11th Street
Request: Structural rehabilitation (roof repairs, decrease of footprint on western
most elevation, due to tornado damage, etc.)
Mr. Harriell presented the request to rehab his business, which consists of two connecting
structures (the earlier, a Charles Thompson and the western-most, a circa 1950s church). Both
structures suffered tornado damage. Pictures were presented of the damage to the roof, windows,
walls, etc. The western-most annex has an entire wall down, which needs to be removed; also, it
needs a new roof, walls and fencing. The applicant presented rehab plans, the needed repairs, the
western elevation and the new enclosed area. Questions were answered regarding the
rehabilitation process, materials, etc. There was a motion that the application be approved as
presented, with conditions that staff monitor the work and the privacy fence be approved
by the appropriate parties. The request was unanimously approved.
Under old business, Jay Core was present regarding the 514 East 9th property. He is concerned
about the following items: its lack of quality workmanship; the messiness of the work area;
removal of the gutters; lack of parking; the applicant not working with adjacent owners; and the
front porch on the lower level not being rebuilt as drawn. It was agreed that several members
would meet at the project site to review the drawings to confirm that the approved work is being
performed. It was agreed that the letter from the president of the MacArthur Park Neighborhood
Association, specifically addressing the quality of work being done at 514 East 9th, would be
discussed at the next meeting.
Prior to the adjournment, amendments to existing policies regarding emergency measures due to
disasters (such as the 21 January tornado) were handed out. As there was no other business, the
LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.