HDC_11 05 1998City of Little Rock
Commissioners Present: Howard H. Gordon, Vice Chair Judy Gardner
Charles Marratt Mark Zoeller
Commissioners Absent: John Greer, Chair
Staff: V.Anne Guthrie Bruce Moore Anthony Black
Guests: Mona Hughes, new CLG staff at AHPP
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) opened and roll
call was taken. Since the chair was absent from the meeting, the vice-chair presided.
Roll call was taken, and as there was a quorum, the minutes were approved.
The first COA application for consideration was:
Applicant: Robert Kennedy
Address: 514 East 9th Street
Request: Rehabilitate multi-family structure
Due to the fact that the architect could not attend the meeting, the applicant's attorney,
Charles Matthews, asked that the application be deferred. A letter was presented to
staff asking for a deferral. A motion was made to defer the application until the
architect is present to explain the architectural drawings. This was the applicant's
second request for a deferral; no other deferrals may be requested by the applicant.
The second application was:
Applicant: Raymon Hill, agent for Graves Litho Inc.
Address: Southwest corner 9th & Cumberland streets
Request: Exterior changes to windows, doors and entrance
The applicant's agent, Raymon Hill, presented the application. There were questions
about the proposed window changes, as the existing are aluminum. Design
recommendations were referenced in regard to aluminum frames and that darker
framed windows are more appropriate. Discussion also focused on the window type for
the period of construction of the structure, which is approximately 1950s.
The applicant stated that plans called to paint the rear of the building to match the
existing brick in front. Also, two new doors on the southern sides (southeast and
southwest) are planned; there are existing doors in both locations, but it is proposed to
Little Rock Historic District Commission
5 November 1998 Minutes, Page 2
enlarge the openings for double doors (one is an overhead).
The staff recommendation pertaining to landscaping on the north elevation was
discussed --the recommendation was made to soften, or lessen, the elevation
facing 9th Street with the enclosure of the front entrance and the removal of the steps.
Glass blocks are proposed to be the fill material for the entrance and flanking windows.
There was opposition to the request: Buddy Vogler, a former grand knight interested in
saving the building, objected to selling it and expressed his concerns about the project.
There is a disagreement between the Knight of Columbus membership and the board
of directors about the sale. Gordon stated that the controversy about the building sale
is not a concern of the LRHDC.
Discussion focused on the ownership of the building and its legal title --it is the Knights
of Columbus who are the owners. Black stated that the application was not made by
the owner, is not properly before the LRHDC and cannot be reviewed. He stated that
only when the applicant is the rightful owner may a COA be considered.
Gordon questioned Hill about the process and whether he was clear about the
ownership. He asked about the closing on the property --Hill stated that the Offer and
Acceptance is contingent upon the approvals from the Planning Commission for a
conditional use and from the LRHDC for a COA. There was discussion of the
application, and except for the ownership issue, there were no other problems.
Discussion focused on the deferral question; Gardner made a motion to defer the
COA until the next meeting or at a time when Graves Litho Inc. owns the building.
There was a second, and the vote to defer the application was unanimous.
The requirement of a COA applicant being owner of subject property and the process of
verification was discussed by the LRHDC. The COA application has a line item that
must be completed, which is ownership and address of property owner; what
additioonal assurance of ownership is required for a COA? Gordon asked Black to
present the ownership citation (statute or ordinance) with the meeting's minutes.
Other business on the agenda was discussed. The update of Curran Hall and its
stabilization is that there is approximately $145,000 (city and state funding sources) to
put out to bid for its stabilization. Staff is working on an amendment of the contract with
WER (Witsell Evan and Rasco) for the stabilization of the structure. Also, it was
mentioned that there will a clean-up of Curran, sponsored by the QQA and Little Rock
Visitor's Bureau, on Saturday, November 14.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
5 November 1998 Minutes, Page 3
An update of the Templars Building was presented: a Request for Proposal (RFP) will
be going out soon for the structure. There is both local and national interest in the
structure and its rehabilitation. The YMCA update was presented also and its proposed
mixed use as a wellness center. There is a need for both structures to be rehabilitated
and for the process to be moving along.
A summary of the historic preservation grant funds process was given, with nine
recipients already notified of their award. There are several grant applications to be
reviewed but the process is anticipated to be completed by mid November.
With no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.