HDC_08 06 1998City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 6 AUGUST 1998 MEETING MINUTES Commissioners Present: John Greer, Chair Howard H. Gordon, Vice Chair Judy Gardner Charles Marratt Mark Zoeller Staff Present: V.Anne Guthrie Bruce Moore Tony Black Guests: Rick Purifoy, Code Enforcement Missy Mcswain, AHPP rep The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order. Roll call was taken; and as all commissioners were present (and a subsequent quorum), the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. The first Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application for consideration was: Applicant: Second Baptist Church Address: 619 Cumberland and 618 Rock streets Request: Construction of parking lot Since there was confusion as to the applicable plans and not sufficient information, a motion was made and passed that the application be deferred until the next meeting. The second COA to be considered was: Applicant: Argie L. Austin Address: 1402 Commerce Request: Demolition of garage, north section The applicant's son, Dennis, presented the request, which is to demolish the northern portion of a structure utilized as a garage and located on the property's rear yard, along the alley. The two-storied structure is connected by means of a common wall with the southern portion, which is under separate ownership. The demolition of the south portion was approved in 1994, but due to dual ownership of the structure, it was never demolished. Rick Purifoy, code enforcement officer, stated that the roof collapsed into the structure and is an unsafe building; the garage has been on the city's "Unsafe and Vacant Structure" listing since 1993. Included in the request was a chain link metal fence (already used in the rear yard's fencing), to replace the area of the garage, thereby fully enclosing the rear yard. The area to be fenced is the garage's site and is 38.1 linear feet (19.9' along the alley and 18.2' in the southwest corner). Discussion focused on the appropriateness of chain link, but its use is dictated by the demolition, closing the gap, using the same material Little Rock Historic District Commission 6 August 1998 Minutes, Page 2 as the existing and providing security. After questions (removal of the garage's foundation, etc), the staff recommendation was entered into the record. The request to demolish the structure (concrete foundation included) and replace it with an existing fence was made into a motion; a vote was taken, and it was approved unanimously. The third application considered was: Applicant: City of Little Rock Address: 1410 Commerce Request: Demolition of garage, south section Purifoy presented the request; he stated that due to the structure's unsafe condition and its prior approval for demolition, its demolition should be approved. A motion was made to approve the request for its demolition; it was approved unanimously. The next application was: Applicant: John Jarrard, Agent Address: 1112 Rock Request: Construction of garage The agent and architect, John Jarrard, acting on behalf of the owners, presented the proposed elevations and plans. The staff recommendation was entered into the record. Jarrard, explained the new construction of the garage and its relationship with the main structure; he also detailed the improvements to the structure's rear or west elevation (new chimney replacing one removed, dormer, etc). Questions were asked about the materials to be used for the garage, roof pitch and compatible building materials for the improvements. There was a motion to approve the COA as submitted; it was approved unanimously. Staff entered into the record the opinions of the state Historic Preservation Office, which supported staff recommendations of all the applications. The last application was: Applicant: Robert Perry Address: 1415 Rock Request: Renovation of structure's exterior Perry presented the request; he stated that the facades would be retained as much as possible, but would require the removal of a door in the rear, due to the conversion of the structure from a triplex into a single-family structure. Estimated costs are about $50,000; the work will be subcontracted. The proposed work was reviewed and discussed regarding particular items of rehabilitation, such as the artificial siding will be removed and replaced with appropriate materials. The rear yard driveway, covered parking and privacy fence were discussed. The staff recommendation was read into the record, which was to approve the application with conditions. A motion was made to approve the application request with conditions; it was approved unanimously. Little Rock Historic District Commission 6 August 1998 Minutes, Page 3 A staff update was discussed briefly regarding Myra Ash's artificial siding at 1417 Cumberland; the siding was applied without a COA and LRHDC approval. Ash could not attend the meeting, due to scheduling conflict and short notice, to answer questions about artificial siding, but it is hoped that she will attend the next meeting. Since there was no other business, the LRHDC adjourned at 6:00 p.m.