Commissioners Present:
John Bush Howard H. Gordon John Greer
Charles Marratt Julie Wiedower
Staff Present: V.Anne Guthrie Tim Polk Anthony Black
The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to
order and roll was taken. As there was a quorum, the minutes from the September
meeting were approved as submitted.
The first COA application to be discussed was:
Applicant: Mark & Karol Zoeller
Address: 500 East 9th Street
Request: Enclose a portion of side porch on structure's east elevation
The applicant presented the COA application to the LRHDC and detailed the proposed
work. The porch on the east side was screened in 1914 and also had removable glass
panels; photos were shown as evidence of the earlier screening and paneled areas.
The enclosed porch will be permanently enclosed, with fixed transoms and operable
windows. The finish, color and other project items were detailed. After discussion, the
staff recommendations were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the COA as
presented. A vote was taken and the motion was approved unanimously.
There was discussion regarding the overlapping of boundaries of the Capitol Zoning
District and the MacArthur Park Historic District. The Arkansas Historic Preservation
Program will be consulted and a report made as to the overlapping of the two district
boundaries and whether one or the other district's boundaries should be altered or
As there was no other business, a motion was made and seconded and the LRHDC
adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of 4 December 1997, Page 2
The joint meeting of the Capitol Zoning District Commission (CZDC) and the Little Rock
Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by the CZDC
chair, Patty Hayes. After a roll call of both commissions (all LRHDC were present),
Hayes gave a brief introduction as to the purpose of the joint commission meeting, the
CZDC requirements of an applicant and the procedures that would be followed for
these public hearings; she emphasized adhering to the protocol of both commissions.
LRHDC Chair John Bush also commented as to the purpose of the joint meeting of the
two commissions, which is to facilitate the public hearing process for the applicant.
NOTE: For simplicity, these minutes of the joint commission meeting entails comments and
discussion by only the LRHDC; there are references to the CZDC in terms of protocol,
recommendations and voting. If there is a need for clarification, the tape recording of the meeting
may be consulted. The meeting's order and listing of CZDC members are enclosed for
informational and official purposes.
The first agenda item before the joint commission meeting was:
Applicant: Jerry McKinnis
Address: 1304 Cumberland Street
Request: Construct a new office building, as an expansion and as a
secondary structure to adjacent business
Prior to the presentation, Marratt recused himself from the meeting. CZDC staff, Lynne
B.Zollner, read the request and the CZDC staff analysis. The project architect,
Lawrence Courtney, with Williams & Dean Associated Architects, asked if there were
questions regarding the plans.
John Greer stated that there was a difference between primary and secondary
structures in terms of new construction and design considerations. Courtney stated
that as the proposed new construction serves as expansion to and is not as large as
the existing business at 1302 Cumberland, that construction for ancillary is different
than for primary structures. Greer cited the recommendations from the Design
Guidelines for the MacArthur Park Historic District. There was a long discussion
regarding the differences between primary and ancillary structures in terms of design.
Issues such as siting, size, location, orientation, etc. were discussed and how the
proposed project meets the various requirements and recommendations.
John Bush referred to the staff recommendations and those from Quapaw Quarter
Association (QQA). Greer made a motion that the COA application be approved with
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of 4 December 1997, Page 3
conditions that a landscape plan be approved by staff and the windows be changed per
QQA's suggestions. A vote by the LRHDC was taken and the COA was approved
unanimously with conditions. The CZDC recommendations were entered into their
record. A motion was made and a vote taken; it was approved unanimously.
The next application under consideration was:
Applicant: Lawrence lbekwe
Address: 1310 -1312 Scott Street
Request: New construction of a community cultural facility
(ca. 4,823 square feet) with associated parking
CZDC staff, Lynne B. Zollner, read the request and staff analysis of the project; due to
involvement as the project architect, Ron Woods (of the CZDC) recused himself from
the meeting. Greer stated for the record his previous recusal from the discussion, but
none existed at this time.
Wali Caradine presented the project to the two commissions and explained some of the
changes that had been made. Julie Wiedower asked about the floor elevation of the
new structure as it was lower than in the prior design. A summary was given of the
changes that the project has undergone in terms of what was changed, such as the
elevation, roof line, pitch, windows, etc. There were questions regarding the materials
used for the exterior paving, the handicapped access and ramp on the front and side
elevations and the window openings on the north and west elevations. Discussion
focused on the changes that were recommended by the CZDC's design committee at
their November meeting.
After asking for public comments (there were none), Wiedower made a motion that the
COA application be approved with the condition that the north elevation's windows be
more evenly spaced. A vote by the LRHDC was taken and the motion was
approved unanimously. The CZDC recommendation was entered into the record and
a motion was made; a vote by the CZDC was made, and it was approved unanimously.
As there was no further business, the joint meeting of the two commissions adjourned
at 6:45 p.m.