HDC_07 10 1997LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES 10 July 1997 Commissioners Present: John Bush John Greer Tommy Jameson Julie Wiedower Commissioners Absent: Charles Marratt Staff Present: V.Anne Guthrie Anthony Black The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and roll was taken. As there was a quorum, the amended minutes from the previous meeting were approved. As the applicant was not present at the meeting's onset, the LRHDC proceeded with Old Business. Black gave an update on several issues of concern. The acquisition of Curran Hall is official and the City of Little Rock is now its new owner. The city responded to the complaint filed by Marsha Taul by filing a response, but no hearing date has been set. Black continued with an update of Dean Bowen's request for LRHDC endorsement of the Presidential Library's proposed location along MacArthur Park's eastern boundary and north of the law school. Should the site be selected for the library, particular legal, planning and design issues would need to be addressed. After lengthy discussion on the broad scope of associated issues and concerns, the LRHDC agreed to not object to the "proposed location of the Presidential Library in the MacArthur Park Historic District." Chair Bush stated that he had a request from the Quapaw Quarter Garden Club to use the LRHDC logo on banners; it was uncertain the intended locations or purpose of the banners. Cheri Nichols, present at the meeting and QQA executive director, stated that the Club had raised the subject with the QQA. Her suggestion was that the logo be used on banners placed within historic districts, either nationally or locally designated. It was decided that the logo may be used if the banners are located within historic districts, but not areas outside of historic districts. Little Rock Historic District Commission Minutes of 10 July 1997, Page 2 There was one Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application for consideration: Applicant: Lawrence lbekwe Address: 1310 -1312 South Scott Street Request: New construction of a community cultural facility (ca. 4,823 square feet) with associated parking There was discussion regarding representation of the applicant to the LRHDC. It was decided that the project's architect, Ron Woods, would present the application. After consideration, two commissioners (Greer and Jameson) stated that they would recuse themselves from discussion of the application as they both had joint ventures with Woods, and therefore had a conflict of interest. With two commissioners absent from the discussion and one absent from the meeting, there was no quorum for the public hearing; subsequently the COA application was deferred until the next meeting. The meeting date for the next public hearing on the subject will be the regularly scheduled LRHDC meeting on 7 August. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.