HDC_06 05 1997LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES 5 June 1997 Commissioners Present: John Bush John Greer Tommy Jameson Charles Marratt Commissioners Absent: Julie Wiedower Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Anthony Black Tim Polk The meeting of the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to order and roll was taken. As there was a quorum, the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. There was one Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application for consideration: Applicant: Myra B. Ash Address: 1004 S. Scott Street Request: Install aluminum siding on structure's soffit, facia and window trim and install storm windows Larry Chastain and David Duff represented Ash before the LRHDC. David Duff, the applicant's contractor, presented the project at 1004 Scott, which has two phases. The first phase entails bringing the structure up to code requirements as part of the city's rental inspection program. The second phase is to return the front (east) elevation to its original facade appearance; among several things, this entails removing the asbestos siding and returning the porch to its original configuration. Jameson asked what had to be done to the structure for it to meet code requirements; Duff stated that the electrical, windows, roof, deteriorated wood, etc. had to be replaced and /or repaired. Marratt asked about the replacement of wooden trim on the windows, and Greer asked about the material to be used for the window trim. Discussion focused on the granting of a previous COA in early 1996, which was for the rehabilitation of the front facade to its original appearance; as the project was too costly, the approved COA request was not implemented. Marratt questioned the cost of installing 91 storm windows and commented on the second phase (returning front facade to its original appearance) as conflicting with the installation of artificial siding. Only the rear elevation had artificial siding installed before work was stopped. There was discussion about the two types of required permits, one for a COA and the other for a building permit; the structure had undergone the two processes, but each for different requests. Duff stated that last fall he received a building permit to bring the structure up to code; LRHDC staff signed off on the permit to allow the structure to Little Rock Historic District Commission Minutes of 5 June 1997, Page 2 meet rental inspection code. However, the building permit and the previously granted COA did not include the installation of artificial siding on window trim or installing storm windows. It was these two items and their requests, which created the confusion. There was discussion about simplifying the process of obtaining a building permit, especially in the historic district and in regard to the rental inspection program. Also, there was discussion about the artificial siding policy and its effect on artificial trim. Jameson made a motion to approve the COA application for the installation of storm windows but to deny the installation of artificial siding on the structure's soffit, facia and window trim. The motion was seconded and a vote was taken; all four voted in favor of the motion. The artificial siding on the rear window trim should be removed. It was noted that Duff should get a copy of the artificial siding policy for future reference. As the artificial siding policy was distributed prior to the meeting and was discussed previously, there was minimal discussion about the policy. There was one suggestion for revision. There was a motion to adopt the artificial siding policy as amended; it was unanimously adopted. Dean Bowen, dean of the UALR School of Law, gave a presentation to the LRHDC regarding the location of the Presidential Library in MacArthur Park. He stated that he was asking for the LRHDC's endorsement and support for locating the Presidential Library just north of the law school and along MacArthur Park's eastern boundary. As yet, there are no requirements for locating the library in downtown Little Rock except the proposed site must have a minimum of twenty (20) acres; there are other locations being considered for the library's location. Bowen presented a general perspective of the presidential library being sited in the local historic district and its effect upon the downtown neighborhood. There were general questions about the library's location affecting the historic, architectural and recreational resources of the downtown neighborhood. After his presentation, legal advised the LRHDC that before any decision was made regarding the library's location in the local historic district, some items needed to be reviewed regarding the park deed to the city. It was recommended that legal would research the title and get back with the LRHDC as soon as possible. It was decided that the next meeting date, instead of the first Thursday of the month (3 July) and because of the July 4th holiday, would be the following week, 10 July. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.