1 May 1997
Commissioners Present: John Bush John Greer
Tommy Jameson Julie Wiedower
Commissioners Absent: Charles Marratt
Staff Present: V. Anne Guthrie Anthony Black Tim Polk
The meeting for the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called to
order and roll call was given. As there was a quorum, the minutes from the past two
meetings (there were no COA applications in March, only a hearing on artificial siding)
were approved. The agenda contained an item for the adoption of a policy amending
the MacArthur Park Historic District Design Guidelines section regarding artificial siding.
As the policy was not distributed to the LRHDC prior to its meeting, the subject was
deferred until a revised edition could be distributed to and reviewed by the Commission.
A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application, which had been deferred from the
3 April meeting, was the only agenda item:
Edna Crone
1104 South Rock Street
Install vinyl siding on trim of house that has existing
aluminum/steel siding on the structure's three facades
As the applicant was not present, Jay Core served as Mrs. Crone' s agent before the
LRHDC. At the April meeting, the COA application was deferred until the applicant
could get costs estimates for repair of and painting the structure's trim (instead of the
vinyl siding) and to allow Hanke Brothers (the applicant's contractor) representation
regarding their work on installing vinyl siding. Core presented costs estimates that he
had gathered and as requested by the LRHDC.
Representing Hanke Brothers Siding, Inc., Paul Wilson, Installation Division Manager
addressed the LRHDC and stated that his company was unaware that MacArthur Park
was a local ordinance historic district and the requirements that accompany
designation. Chair John Bush reiterated for the record the general COA application
process and specifically the siding policy procedure. There was general discussion
Little Rock Historic District Commission
Minutes of 1 May 1997, Page 2
regarding artificial siding applications, what repairs were made to the trim prior to the
installation of the siding and how to proceed should the applicant decide to repair and
paint instead of installing vinyl siding.
Jameson made a motion that the application for a COA at 1104 Rock Street to apply
siding to the structure's trim be denied. Wiedower seconded the motion. Jameson
stated that the LRHDC is tightening up on its artificial siding policy in local ordinance
historic districts and, while required to have a building permit, it is also important to
obtain a COA for artificial siding. He stated that in particular instances, and following
certain guidelines, siding is appropriate as in new construction. The motion was
repeated and a vote was taken; all voted for the motion to deny the COA.
Jameson stated for the record, that while his term on the LRHDC expires in June, he is
not seeking reappointment. His position of "at-large" member of the Commission will be
available mid-June. Also for the record, V. Anne Guthrie, city Historic Preservation
Administrator, stated that she and her husband bought a house that is located in the
MacArthur Park Historic District at 1010 South Rock Street.
The Certified Local Government (CLG) training schedule, which the Commission is
required to attend and CLG project update was deferred until the next meeting.
As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
NOTE: The tape recording machine used for this meeting was not working on a consistent basis;
therefore, the meeting was not taped. These minutes were taken from staff notes.