HDC_09 05 1996LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES 5 September 1996 Commissioners Present: John Bush Tommy Jameson Julie Wiedower Commissioners Absent: (terms of Menyhart and Roddey expired; new appointments not made by this meeting) Staff Present: Anthony Black V. Anne Guthrie Tim Polk The roll for the Little Rock Historic District Commission (LRHDC) was called, and there was a quorum. The minutes from the previous meetings were approved as written. There was one agenda item: Applicant: Pizza Hut Address: 912 I -30 and Frontage Road Request: Replace wooden shake roof with a metal seamed red roof Robert Cotton, representing the applicant, presented the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) request to remove the 18 -year old wooden shake roof and replace it with a groove-locked panel standing seamed roof. He presented the LRHDC with additional information about the construction materials for their review and discussed the research that had been conducted on the metal seamed roof. The benefits of the proposed material were discussed by the Commission, and a couple of questions were asked regarding the roof =s construction and its warranty. Commissioner Jameson made a motion that the COA be accepted as submitted and presented to the LRHDC; Commissioner Wiedower seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Under new business, staff mentioned that the position of Historic Preservation Administrator had moved over to the new department of Housing and Neighborhood Programs under Tim Polk. The office is located at 615 West Markham, in the McFadden Building. New elevation and fence drawings for the rehabilitation of the fire station on 9`h Street were submitted for review and approval. Its COA application was approved July 1996 contingent Idnik upon updated drawings and fence details. As there were no questions, both were approved. The LRHDC was given an update of the two Certified Local Government (CLG) projects for 1996 - 1997, which are design guidelines for the Central High national register historic district neighborhood and national register nomination for the Capitol View neighborhood. Tim Polk updated the LRHDC on other Central High planning initiatives, such as the EDI housing grant application and Westside rehabilitation as well as the upcoming design guidelines. Wiedower asked about Curran Hall and Anthony Black gave an update regarding the progress of the proposed easements on either side and the property valuation. He also stated that the grounds had been tended to by the Master Gardeners. The issue of the Capitol Street Corridor Landscape plan was also mentioned in respect to Curran Hall and the department responsible for the implementation of the landscape plan. Guthrie discussed the Hillcrest local district nomination and where it was in the process B HRA request for local designation is on hold (at their request) until more of a neighborhood consensus may be worked out. It does appear that the neighborhood may be better suited as a conservation district, which requires enabling legislation. The HRA =s committee on Historic Preservation has been meeting the past month in order to make a decision on its local designation. As there was no further business or discussion, the LRHDC adjourned about 6:00 p.m. 2