HDC_10 19 1995MINUTES
OCTOBER 19, 1995
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman
John Bush. A quorum was present - Julie Wiedower, John
Bush, Tommy Jameson and Carl Menyhart. Bob Roddey was
absent. City Attorney Anthony Black was present.
No action was taken on the approval of minutes because the
May 11, 1995 minutes (the last meeting) had not been
distributed to the Commission members.
Item No. 1 - Applicant: Centro Hispano
Location: 923 MCAlmont
Request: Structural Alterations
Chairman John Bush announced Item No. 1. Joe Roddy, an
architect, was present and indicated that he was
representing Centro Hispano. Mr. Roddy spoke and said there
was a need for a temporary shelter for Hispanic speaking
families in the community. Mr. Roddy continued by providing
some background on the proposed project and said the
existing garage apartment would be converted into the
shelter. Mr. Roddy said there would be 2 units with 2
bedrooms in each unit. Mr. Roddy indicated that the
facility would be able to accommodate two families with 3 to
4 family members. Mr. Roddy told the Commission the
structure was in a state of disrepair and provided some
additional information about the project. (At this point,
it was disclosed that Carl Menyhart is associated with Joe
Roddy in the same architectural firm.)
Several other interested persons spoke in support of the
Joe Roddy continued by describing the area and the property
in question. Mr. Roddy said the project would improve a
piece of property and the proposed changes would maintain a
carriage house character.
No opposition was present.
Several commission members then asked questions about size
of families, length of stay and parking. Mr. Roddy and
another individual responded to the questions. The stays
would be 10 to 14 days and parking would be on the street.
Mr. Roddy told the Commission that parking was not an issue
during the Board of Adjustment's review of the conditional
use permit for the use.
There was some discussion about the west elevation and a
concrete screening wall. Commissioner Jameson asked if the
wall could be removed. Joe Roddy discussed the wall and
said it could be removed if the Commission required it.
There were some comments made about the use and Mr. Roddy
described the shelter as a low density use.
Commissioner wiedower asked about the materials. Joe Roddy
said exterior materials would be wood. xe also described
the windows as being 6 over 6.
Commissioner Jameson made a motion to approve the
Certificate of Appropriateness with the condition that the
concrete screening wall be removed. The motion was
seconded. The vote was 4 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent to
approve the motion.
There being no further business before the Commission, the
meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.