HDC_04 07 1994MINUTES
APRIL 7, 1994
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Bush. A quorum
was present - Mr. Carl Menyhart, Ms. Julie Wiedower, Ms. Jeanette
Heinbockel, Mr. Bob Roddey and Mr. John Bush. City Attorney
Anthony Black was present.
Item No. 1 - Owner: Joe and Sheila Kuonen
Location: 407 East 14th Street
Request: Install fence
Mr. Joe Kuonen was present and explained his application to install
a 4 1/2 foot picket fence in the front yard of his rental property
at 407 East 14th Street. Mr. Kuonen wants the fence installed for
both privacy and security. He explained that although the fence
would not keep anyone from jumping over or climbing the fence, it
would serve as a deterrent. Mr. Kuonen stated that he would
eventually paint the fence.
Asm Mr. Kuonen stated that expense was an issue in this project and
that was a determining factor in the design. Mr. Kuonen amended
his application from a 4 foot 4 inch fence to a 4 foot high fence.
Argie Austin, a neighbor at the corner of 14th and Commerce
Streets, spoke in favor of Mr. Kuonen's application to install a
The State Historic Preservation Program presented a letter in favor
of the application.
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to approve the application as
amended to a height of 4 feet. Commissioner Wiedower seconded.
The vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes. 0 noes.
Item No. 2 - Owner: City of Little Rock, Code Enforcement
Division - Jack Patton, Agent
Location: 1410 and 1416 Commerce Streets
Request: Demolition
Mr. Jack Patton, City of Little Rock Senior Code Enforcement
Officer, explained the application and presented photographs of the
properties. Mr. Patton stated that notification was handled
Mr. James Allen, owner or co -owner of property at 1410 Commerce was
..dw _ present and stated that he had received notice of the public
hearing on the previous Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. He also stated that
he did not have time to consult with an attorney.
Mr. Allen said that the property burned in February and his
insurance claim has been held up. Mr. Allen stated that he wants
the main structure razed, but he does not want the rear structure
torn down.
Mr. Patton clarified for the Commission that the application is for
demolition of all structures at this property location.
Mr. Patton explained that the property had been declared unsafe and
that the City wants to proceed with demolition of both structures
at 1410 Commerce Street, as well as, the structure at 1416 Commerce
Street. Mr. Patton stated that there is perhaps some hope for
repair to the rear structure, a garage apartment, at 1410 Commerce
Mr. Pullum, co-owner of property at 1410 Commerce Street, was
Chairman Bush stated that the property owner /owners could work with
Code Enforcement as far as the garage apartment perhaps being
repaired, but stated that the City's application is for demolition
of all structures on that parcel, and approval of this application
does not mean that the rear structure has to come down.
Mrs. Argie Austin, owner and resident of 1402 Commerce Street since
1963, was present and addressed the Commission.
Mrs. Austin stated that 1410 Commerce had been declared a drug
nuisance and she appealed to the Commission to allow demolition of
the structures. Mrs. Austin's garage is attached to the garage
apartments at 1410 Commerce. Mrs. Austin offered her part of the
garage to come down also.
Mr. Chess, owner of property at 1409 Commerce Street directly
across the street from 1410 Commerce, attested to drug activity at
1410 Commerce Street.
Mr. Joe Kuonen, an adjacent property owner for 8 years, stated that
the property at 1410 Commerce was poorly maintained and that he
witnessed drug activity there. Mr. Kuonen stated that 1410 Commerce
adversely affects his property value and appealed to the Commission
for demolition.
Mr. Allen expressed confusion at to what a desirable renter is.
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to approve the application to
demolish both (all) structures at 1410 Commerce Street.
Commissioner Weidower seconded. The vote was taken. Motion
carried. All ayes. 0 noes.
A petition signed by neighborhood property owners and residents
asking for demolition at 1410 and 1416 Commerce was presented to
the Commission.
Mr. Patton explained that 1416 Commerce Street had been vacant for
at least 5 years and had been declared unsafe.
Letters from the Quapaw Quarter Association and the State Historic
Preservation state that these agencies do not object to demolition
of the structures.
A lengthy discussion followed.
Commissioner Roddey made a motion to approve the application for
demolition of 1416 Commerce Street. Commissioner Wiedower
seconded. The vote was taken. Motion carried. 3 ayes. 1 no.
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion for the meeting to be
adjourned. Commissioner Menyhart seconded. The vote was taken.
Motion carried. All ayes.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting