HDC_12 02 1993MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 2, 1993 5:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 by Chairman John Bush. A quorum was present - Mr. Carl Menyhart, Ms. Julie Wiedower, Mr. John Bush, Mr. Bob Roddey and Ms. Jeanette Heinbockel. City Attorney Anthony Black was present. Item #1 - Deferred from September 2, 1993 Owner: Cook Jeep - Eagle; Roger Cook Location: 10th and Scott Streets, NE corner Request: Install rail, lights, fencing, gate and landscaping The Chairman asked that all speakers limit their comments to three minutes. Roger Cook, partner in Cook Jeep - Eagle, was present. Also, present and representing Cook Jeep -Eagle was Mr. Bunny Brown, architect with Brooks Jackson architects. Mr. Brown explained the design for the parking lot. Mr. Brown explained that there would be a 6 foot landscaped strip around the existing lot and that the entrance on Scott Street would be closed. He also explained the lighting plan. Commissioner Heinbockel asked about the parking lot surface and number of cars to be stored. The applicant responded that the surface would remain as it is and that no more than 40 cars would be parked on the lot. Commissioner Menyhart commented that no new sidewalks would be installed. Commissioner Roddey asked where the applicant was currently parking his overflow inventory. Mr. Cook responded that he used a farm in east Little Rock for car storage. The Chairman asked if there was anyone present to speak in opposition of the application. Dr. Dan Cook, representing the Quapaw Quarter Association, stated that the Quapaw Quarter Association was against the application and then he explained in detail the reasons for their recommendation. Mr. Chris Barrier dnd Mr. Charles Witsell were present and spoke against the application. Mr. Jay Core was present and stated that he was against the application. He gave his allotted three minutes speaking time to Dr. Dan Cook. Mr. Ken Story, representing the State Historic Preservation Program, said that his agency was not opposed to the application and reiterated the letter of recommendation submitted earlier. Mr. John Jarrard, MacArthur Park Historic District property owner, stated that irregardless of the design, the property is going to look like a parking lot. A lengthy discussion followed. Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to deny the application as submitted. Commissioner Wiedower seconded. The vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes. Item #2 - Owner: Mrs. Evelyn Duffy and Mrs. Alison Patton Mr. Bill Hylton, Agent Location: 813 South Rock Street Request: Demolition Mr. William Hylton was present as agent for Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. Patton. Mr. Hylton explained that his clients wanted the structure demolished. He stated that the building is unsafe, condemned and uninsurable. Commissioner Heinbockel asked if the property had ever been for sale. Mrs. Duffy responded that the property had been listed for sale with a realtor several years ago. Mrs. Duffy also stated that since she had owned the property, it had always been vacant. Mrs. Duffy continued that the cost of demolition would be $4,000 $6,000. Mr. Jay Core, area property owner, spoke against the demolition. Dan Cook, Quapaw Quarter Association representative, spoke against the application for demolition. A lengthy discussion followed. Commissioner Roddey commented on the condition of Kramer School and compared the two structure's similarities, emphasizing consistency in evaluating the appropriateness of demolitions. Commissioner Menyhart made a motion to deny the application for demolition. Commissioner Heinbockel seconded. The vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes. 2 Mr. Charles Witsell, resident and owner of 1010 Scott Street, requested permission to address the Historic District Commission. Mr. Witsell asked the Commission to do something about the crime at the structure at the northwest corner of 10th and Scott Streets. Mr. Witsell described the numerous police calls and public nuisance that the house has become. The Commission agreed to write a letter to the Chief of Police, the prosecuting attorney and the property owner requesting that the nuisance be abated. Commissioner Roddey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Heinbockel seconded. The vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 3