HDC_10 07 1993MINUTES
OCTOBER 7, 1993
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bush. A quorum was
present - Mr. Carl Menyhart, Mrs. Julie Wiedower, Mr. Bob Roddy and
Mr. John Bush. City Attorney Anthony Black was present.
Item #1 - Agent: City of Little Rock
Location: 1312, 1320, 1322 and 1324 Rock and
3142 East 14th Streets
Request: Demolition
Ms. Melissa Gilliam, Senior Codes Enforcement Officer for
Demolitions and Contracts, and Mr. Jack Patton, City of Little Rock
Senior Housing and Premise Codes Enforcement Officer, were present
and explained the City's request to demolish the structures at
1312, 1320, 1322 and 1324 Rock Streets and 314 East 14th Street.
Ms. Gilliam explained that the structure at 1322 Rock would be
excluded in this request because the owner has had a 90 day period
to rebuild the structure. The owner of 1322 Rock has signed an
affidavit of commitment through the Department of Neighborhoods and
Planning to rebuild that structure within 90 days.
Commissioner Menyhart questioned placing 1312 Rock on the
demolition ordinance because of its apparent stable structural
Mr. Jack Patton responded that 1312 Rock was illegally wired,
illegally plumbed and chopped up into several living quarters. Ms.
Gilliam added that it is owned by the Resolution Trust Corporation.
Ms. Janie Blakely, a 16 year resident of the neighborhood, told the
Commission that there was a problem with gangs in all 5 houses.
Commissioner Wiedower asked who would maintain the grounds after
Ms. Gilliam responded that the property owner would still be
responsible for maintaining the property. The City can cite the
property owner for failure to maintain the grounds.
Mr. Robert Ouellet, a neighborhood resident, stated that the houses
being considered for demolition are "drug houses" and that he is in
favor of demolition.
Mr. Randy Jeffery, State Historic Preservation Program
representative, commented that 314 East 14th Street had some
architectural integrity remaining on the exterior. He added that
1312 Rock Street is non - contributing to the district and the SHPP
does not object to its demolition.
Commissioner Menyhart suggested demolishing only the houses beyond
rehabilitation and saving 1312 Rock as well as 314 East 14th
Commissioner Wiedower expressed concern about the properties after
Mr. Charles Marratt was present representing Ms. Nancy Delamar, a
Cumberland Street property owner. Mr. Marratt expressed support of
demolition for all the structures being considered.
Mr. William C. Ware, property owner of 1401 Cumberland and 309 East
14th Streets, was present and stated support for the proposed
demolitions. He stated his family has lived in the area for 80
years. His grandmother lived at 1322 Rock Street.
Commissioner Wiedower made a motion to approve the City's
application for demolition of 1312, 1320, 1324 Rock Street and 314
East 14th Street. Commissioner Menyhart seconded. The vote was
taken. Motion carried. 3 ayes. 1 no.
A short discussion followed concerning maintenance of the lots
following demolition. Ms. Gilliam explained that trees three (3)
inches or larger would remain and that no plantings are required
for this action.
It was suggested that area residents could maintain the lots and
Chairman Bush stated that grounds maintenance was beyond Commission
Mr. Mike Pinkett, forester and Senior Specialist for vegetation
Management for the Entergy Corporation, and Mr. Jack West, with
West Tree Service, were present to explain and discuss tree
trimming procedures.
Chairman Bush stated that Mr. Pinkett had been invited to speak to
the Commission because Historic Districts deserve special
consideration and that radical tree trimming should be avoided
because of its negative aesthetic effects.
Mr. Pinkett stated that Entergy's procedure is to maintain
clearance so electrical service is not interrupted. He stated that
they try to notify property owners prior to tree trimming.
Commissioner Wiedower commented that all cables in Historic
Districts need to be buried.
Mr. Pinkett responded that burying wires probably would do more
harm to the root structure. He distributed booklets on the Shigo
technique of pruning trees and explained that the plan to reduce
tree - related power outages is to trim trees eight (8) feet away
from lines every three years.
Commissioner Wiedower suggested coming back into historic districts
more often than every three years.
Mr. west explained his policy of property owner notification is to
leave notices on front doors before tree trimming. He said that he
would make an extra effort in the MacArthur Park Historic District.
A discussion followed on the new MacArthur Park Design Review
Commissioner Roddy made a motion to adopt the guidelines.
Commissioner Menyhart seconded. The vote was taken. Motion
carried. All ayes.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting