HDC_12 03 1992MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 3, 1992 5:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas Johnson. A quorum was present - Mr. John Bush, Mr. Carl Menyhart, Ms. Jeanette Heinbockel, Ms. Julie Wiedower and Mr. Thomas Johnson. City Attorney Stephen Giles was present. Item #1 - Owner: Tom Wilkes, Agent Location: 923 Cumberland Request: Install vinyl siding Ms. Cheryl Nichols, Director of the Quapaw Quarter Association, was present and spoke in opposition of the application. She recommended the Commission deny the application and stated that siding very often creates more problems than it solves. Mr. Tom Wilkes was present and on behalf of the owner presented the application to the Commission. A lengthy discussion of siding followed, including the National Register guidelines policy of considering siding only as a last resort. Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to deny the application. Commissioner Bush seconded. The vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.