HDC_02 06 1992MINUTES
FEBRUARY 6, 1992
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman Thomas
Johnson. A quorum was present - Mr. John Bush, Mr. Carl Menyhart,
Ms. Jeanette Heinbockel and Mr. Thomas Johnson. Also present was
City Attorney Steve Giles.
The Chairman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the
previous meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Bush to
approve the minutes as received. Commissioner Heinbockel seconded.
Motion carried. All ayes.
Commissioner Bush made a motion to rearrange the agenda.
Commissioner Menyhart seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.
Discussion of 1990 Certified Local Government Grant Project -
Central High Survey Phase I
Cheryl Nichols, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter
Association, explained the status of the Central High Survey.
Terry Burruss, contractor for the survey, had received several
deadline extensions and still not completed the project. Ms.
Nichols stated that she had attended a meeting January 30 with
Randy Jeffery, Barbara Lindsey - Allen and Ken Grunewald of the
State Historic Preservation Office and Molly Satterfield, staff for
the Historic District Commission, and that all agreed to call a
halt, ask Mr. Burruss for all materials and assess the situation.
Mr. Burruss had turned materials in to the State Historic
Preservation Program on January 28, 1992. The consensus of the
January 30 meeting was for the Quapaw Quarter Association to use
the remainder of the 1990 Central High Survey funds to clean-up and
complete 300 forms, which is about one-half of the original
There was brief discussion about contracts and continuing any
working agreement with Mr. Burruss. It was stated that Mr. Burruss
had been paid 50% of the total survey monies.
Ms. Cathy Buford, Director of the Historic Preservation Program was
present and commented that the Central High Survey was a good
project and that it was unfortunate it ran into problems.
Mr. Giles stated that the City would need to modify its contract
with the Quapaw Quarter Association.
Minutes - Historic District
February 6, 1992
Page Two
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to accept the proposal of the
Quapaw Quarter Association completing 300 (or more) approved forms
by May 1, 1992 using the $4,500.00 remaining in the 1990 Certified
Local Government Grant Budget. Commissioner Bush seconded. The
vote was taken. Motion carried. All ayes.
Discussion of 1991 Certified Local Government Grant Budget
The Commission discussed a proposal suggested by Ms. Nichols by
letter for a new allocation of 1991 Certified Local Government
Grant funds, taking $7,320.00 from the Central High Survey II and
adding it to the Downtown Commercial Building Survey.
Ms. Buford stated that totally abandoning the Central High Survey
may be a problem and she suggested taking the remaining $2,680.00
for completing Phase I of the Central High Survey.
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to approve that $7,320.00 be
added to the Commercial Building Survey (for a total of $11,855.00)
and that the remaining $2,680.00 be used in some form toward
completing Phase I Central High Survey and that the Quapaw Quarter
Association submit a proposal for that project. Commissioner Bush
seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.
Mrs. Ethel Ambrose, Central High neighborhood resident, was
recognized and said she was gravely concerned the Central High
Survey not be lost and that the project goes forward at some point
in time.
Discussion and Recommendation of 1992 Certified Local Government
Grant Proposals
Staff submitted three projects for potential funding for 1992.
1. Model Block Housing Handbook - $5,000.00
2. Condition Report for Over the Jumps - $1,800.00
3. Historic District Guidelines - $8,200.00
Mr. Tim Polk, Assistant Director of Neighborhoods and Planning,
explained the Model Block Housing Handbook to the Commission.
Ms. Becky Witsell, representing Friends of the Carousel, requested
a $2,000.00 grant for a condition and paint analysis for the Over
the Jumps restoration.
Minutes - Historic District
February 6, 1992
Page Three
The third project proposed was to revise the existing MacArthur
Park Historic District Guidelines and to produce a set of
guidelines for the Hillcrest Historic District.
Commissioner Heinbockel made a motion to submit the three projects
to the Historic Preservation Program for consideration.
Commissioner Menyhart seconded. The vote was taken. Motion
carried. All ayes.
National Register Nomination Recommendation
Mr. Ken Storey, representing the State Historic Preservation
Program, presented a description and brief history of two
properties for the Commission to make recommendations towards
nomination to the National Register. The properties were
(1) the Kahn- Jennings House at 5300 Sherwood and (2) the Arkansas
Power and Light Building at 9th and Louisiana.
Commissioner Menyhart made a motion for a recommendation of
,aft, approval toward nomination of the Kahn - Jennings House and the
Arkansas Power and Light Building to the National Register of
Historic Places. Commissioner Heinbockel seconded. The vote was
taken. Motion carried. All ayes.
There was brief discussion about upcoming ordinance revisions and
the Commission's authority to institute proceedings requiring
property owners to maintain their structures. Mr. Giles stated his
research indicated that the Commission only has the power to review
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned.