HDC_11 01 1990MINUTES
NOVEMBER 1, 1990
5:00 P.M.
The November 1, 1990 meeting of the Little Rock Historic
District Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by
Acting Chairman Tom Johnson. New member, Carl Menyhart was
introduced. A quorum was present - Cheryl Nichols, John
Bush, Carl Menyhart and Tom Johnson. John Jarrard was
Commissioner Bush made a motion to approve the minutes from
the two previous meetings as received. Commissioner Nichols
seconded. Motion passed. All ayes, 0 nays.
Item #1
owner: Poe Travel - Weathertight, Inc., Forest
Gardner, Agent
Location: 913 -915 Cumberland Street
Request: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Witsell
Forrest Gardner with Weathertight, Inc., was present to
represent Poe Travel. Mr. Gardner referenced the October 9,
1990 letter of recommendation from the Arkansas Historic
Preservation Program and stated he would comply with their
suggestions. He presented a sample of the proposed siding
for wall and trim and explained that he would copy some of
the decorative trim and molding with aluminum; specifically
the facia, frieze, window and door facings. He proposed
covering the gable ends in horizontal siding.
Photographs of the present structure were presented by Mr.
Gardner and marked Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, and F. The
drawing presented was marked Exhibit G.
Commissioner Nichols asked Mr. Gardner if an estimate for
painting the structure was requested by the owners.
Mr. Gardner did not have an estimate for painting.
Ms. Elissa Gross, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter
Association, spoke recommending deferral of the application.
She questioned the completeness of the application and the
effect of siding on the National Register listing status of
the Historic District.
The Chairman asked for Staff's recommendation. Staff
recommended denial of the application, complying with
Standard 6 of the Secretary of the Interior's "Standards for
Rehabilitation ".
Commissioner Nichols questioned the Arkansas Historic
Preservation Program's recommendations for approval and
commented that a review of the policy decision on siding by
the State Review Board would be held in December. She
stated that this application is more problematic than
previous siding applications because the buildings are more
complicated. Commissioner Nichols also said that in 1986
those houses won a plaque that she felt would not have been
awarded had they been sided with vinyl.
Commissioner Bush made a motion to deny the.application.
Commissioner Nichols seconded. The vote was taken. Motion
passed. All ayes, 0 nays.
Acting Chairman Tom Johnson read three criteria for applying
siding excerpted from Preservation Briefs #8: "For historic
residential buildings, aluminum or vinyl siding may be an
acceptable alternative only if (1) the existing siding is so
deteriorated or damaged that it cannot be repaired; (2) the
substitute material can be installed without irreversibly
damaging or obscuring the architectural features and trim of
the building; and (3) the substitute material can match the
historic material in size, profile and finish so that there
is not change in the character of the historic building...".
City Attorney Steve Giles informed Mr. Gardner that he could
resubmit his application in one year. Only a substantially
different application would be considered before that time.
Item #2
Owner: The Cherry House - Grayson Property Company,
Fred Gray, Agent
Location: 700 South Rock
Request: Erect ground mounted sign
Mr. Fred Gray, Grayson Property Company, was present
representing the owner of the Cherry House. Mr. Gray read
the purpose of the guidelines as they relate to signs and
said he felt his sign conforms in every respect except for
size criteria. He apologized for erecting the sign before
it was approved and assured the Commission that in the
future he would reference his copy of the MacArthur Park
Historic District Ordinance before acting.
Mr. Gray described the sign as being 21.66 sq. ft. and
referenced photographs and a drawing. He stated that the
sign would be moved 5 ft to the southwest from its previous
site. Mr. Gray stated that this would be the only sign for
the Cherry House.
Commissioner Bush disclosed that he was in the process of a
business relationship with Grayson Property Company. City
Attorney Steve Giles advised Commissioner Bush to use his
own discretion whether or not to vote.
Acting Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Gray how many offices were
in the Cherry House and how many tenant signs were needed.
Mr. Grayson responded that there were 11 offices, yet not as
many tenants.
Letter size was discussed as well as the number of tenant
spaces needed.
Ms. Gross, representing the Quapaw Quarter Association,
recommended denial of the sign in its present form.
Staff recommended denial and encouraged conformity to the
Mr. Gray explained his attempt with this sign was
directional more than commercial and if he had to choose
between the two portions of the sign, he would have to
choose the bottom tenant names and trash the top Cherry
House sign.
Mr. Giles and Mr. Newman clarified the confusion about the
sign guidelines intent on number and area of signs.
Acting Chairman Johnson stated the possible actions as 1)
the Commission could act on the application as stated; 2)
the applicant could amend his application by attaching
conditions, or 3) the applicant could ask for a deferral.
Mr. Gray asked for a deferral. The Commission granted a
deferral on this sign application until the December 6, 1990
Mr. Giles reported that the "Notice Letters" from the
Housing Department to owners of condemned property could not
delete the reference to demolition as an option without a
possible amendment to the Little Rock Code. The Commission
directed Staff to go forward with amending the Code if
necessary to delete that reference to demolition.
Acting Chairman Johnson stated that several proposals had
been received for the public service announcement video. He
asked the Commission for direction. The concensus was to
proceed with a selection.
Commissioner Nichols said she would like to have agenda
meetings. It was discussed and decided to further discuss
agenda meetings before the next meeting.
There being no further business before the Commission,
Commission adjourned.