HDC_09 06 1990City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 6, 1990 5:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Vice - Chairman Thomas Johnson. A quorum was present - Mr. John Jarrard, Mr. John Bush and Mr. Thomas Johnson. Mr. William H. Kennedy, III and Ms. Cheryl Nichols were absent. Also present was City Attorney Stephen Giles. Acting Chairman Thomas Johnson announced the item for consideration - demolition of the house at 815 Rock Street by Mrs. Arnold Duffy, deferred from the August 2nd agenda. Commissioner Jarrard reported that the deferral's intent was to give the Commission an opportunity to examine the structure. Ms. Allison Duffy Patton was present representing her mother, Mrs. Arnold Duffy. Ms. Patton explained their wish to take down the house at 815 Rock Street and someday build a gazebo similar to the one at the Terry House. She said that they have no long range plans for the property and have tried unsuccessfully to sell it. Acting Chairman Johnson asked Ms. Patton if the structure is presently being used. Ms. Patton responded that the house is not habitable, the roof is partially gone and there is a large crack in the back brick wall. Acting Chairman Johnson asked Ms. Patton if she also owned the property behind the house. Ms. Patton said that the property is owned by a Mr. Baker who owns the liquor store. She also said that 408 -410 was sold by the Duffy's years ago. Ms. Patton lives downstairs at 809 Rock Street and her mother, Mrs. Duffy, lives in the upstairs apartment. Ms. Patton commented that they spent $80,000 - $85,000 renovating 809 Rock Street and it was not in bad shape to begin with. She speculated that it would take $70,000 - $80,000 just to make 815 Rock Street structurally sound. Acting Chairman Johnson asked Ms. Patton if she had a cost for demolition. Ms. Patton did not. Mr. Giles stated that for a 2- story, brick house with 2,800 square feet, he estimated a demolition cost of $2,000- $2,500. Acting Chairman Johnson asked if anyone was present to speak in favor of the application. There was no response. He then asked if there was anyone present to speak in opposition of the application. 1 Ms. Elissa Gross, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter Association, stated that the Quapaw Quarter Association opposes any demolition in the Historic District. She said there was no sufficient demonstration that the property has been effectively marketed. Ms. Gross stated that she has seen the property and feels that in light of present activities in the preservation arena of Little Rock, there may be other options open to Mrs. Duffy rather than demolition. Mr. Randy Jeffery, State Historic Preservation Program representative, spoke in opposition of the application. He said that demolition of this house at 815 Rock Street would be a severe loss to the Historic District's streetscape. Mr. Jeffery stated that after going inside the house, he realizes the upper floors and roof are in bad condition, but all elements seem to be intact - the pocket doors, the molding, and staircase. He said that there are no additions to the home and no rooms are altered, making this house one of the very few intact structures to be found. Mr. Jeffery said he hopes it can be mothballed until another owner is found. Acting Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Jeffery to comment on demolition in general. Mr. Jeffery stated he is basically against any form of demolition of historic properties. In rehabable condition, cost not being a factor, it should be preserved. Mr. Jeffery suggested Ms. Patton contact a Realtor specializing in downtown historic properties. He also mentioned that the 20% tax credit is available and that a facade easement may be an option. Ms. Gross added that the house could be marketed outside of our immediate area. Commissioner Bush stated that he was impressed with the possibility of alternatives and was aware that there are groups and organizations concerned and exploring options for this house. One alternative is to allow time for the newly developed Greater Little Rock Revolving Fund to become viable. Acting Chairman Johnson clarified the options as: 1) vote directly on the application; 2) defer the application for 90 days, or 3) applicant withdraw the application. Commissioner Jarrard stated that the building is truly unique and although has some structural problems, is restorable. Commissioner Jarrard made a motion to deny the application for demolition. Commissioner Bush seconded. The vote was taken. 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. The Commission agreed to set up a working session in the next few weeks to work on the 1990 Certified Local Government Grant and the Preservation Education Grant. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.