HDC_08 02 1990City of Little Rock
AUGUST 2, 1990
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m by Chairman
William H. Kennedy, III. A quorum was present. Mr. William
H. Kennedy, III, Mr. John Jarrard, Ms. Cheryl Nichols and
Mr. John Bush. Mr. Thomas Johnson was absent. Also present
was City Attorney Steve Rowell.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jarrard to approve the
minutes of the June 7, 1990 meeting as received.
Commissioner Bush seconded. Motion passed.
Item #1 - Porch rehabilitation and fence construction
1011 -1013 Scott Street
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Witsell
Mr. Charles Witsell explained in detail the application to
the Commission and introduced Mary Ellen Smith as the
potential new owner of the house. Mr. Witsell's intent is
to rehabilitate the house in its present configuration.
Commissioner Jarrard made a motion to approve the
application as submitted. Commissioner Nichols seconded.
The vote was taken. Motion carried. 4 ayes, 0 nays.
Item #2 - Demolition
815 Rock Street
Mrs. Arnold Duffy
Mrs. Arnold Duffy was present. She explained her reasons
for applying for demolition. According to Mrs. Duffy the
structure is dangerous as well as an eyesore. She said she
has tried to sell the house through 3 different Realtors.
Mr. Charles Marrott described the poor condition of the
house. He estimated $125,000 - $140.000 for rehabilitation.
Ms. Allison Patton, Mrs. Duffy's daughter, was present and
spoke in favor of the demolition.
Ms. Elissa Gross, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter
Association, spoke against the demolition.
Commissioner Jarrard suggested allowing time for the
Commission to have an opportunity to examine the interior of
the structure. Commissioner Jarrard made a motion to defer
action on the application one month, until September 6,
1990. Commissioner Bush seconded. The vote was taken. All
ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Chairman Kennedy commented that demolition is the most
difficult of applications to consider for when a structure
is demolished its gone forever and we lose a vital piece of
Little Rock's history.
Mr. Ken Story, State Historic Preservation Program
representative, presented the Hillcrest National Register of
Historic Places Nomination to the Commission for their
Commissioner Bush made a motion to recommend approval of the
Hillcrest Nomination to the National Register of Historic
Places. Commissioner Jarrard seconded. Motion carried.
All ayes, 0 nays.
Mr. Story presented the Lamar Porter Field Nomination to the
National Register of Historic Places to the Commission for
their recommendation.
Commissioner Nichols made a motion to recommend approval of
the Lamar Porter Field Nomination to the National Register
of Historic Places. Commissioner Jarrard seconded. Motion
carried. All ayes, 0 nays.
Commissioner Nichols circulated the "Addendum" to the
Historic Preservation /Neighborhood Conservation Agenda
AM% submitted to the Board of Directors July 18, 1990 by the
Historic Preservation /Neighborhood Conservation Task Force.
Commissioner Nichols made a motion for the Commission to
send a letter endorsing the four points of the "Addendum" to
the Mayor and City Manager. Commissioner Bush seconded.
Motion carried.
There being no further business before the Commission, the
meeting adjourned.