HDC_11 02 1989City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION NOVEMBER 2, 1989 5:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Vice - Chairman, Thomas Johnson. A quorum was present. (Dr. Kathleen McNally, Ms. Cheryl Nichols, Mr. John Jarrard, and Mr. Thomas Johnson). Mr. William Kennedy, III was absent. Also present was City Attorney Stephen Giles. A motion was made by Commissioner McNally and seconded by Commissioner Jarrard to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received. Motion passed. Item #1 - Installation of a Satellite Dish at 610 Rock Street - R. C. Limerick Mr. Paul Habenicht was present to speak regarding the issue. Mr. Habenicht presented photos to the commissioners. There were questions and concerns regarding the height of the dish. Commissioner McNally asked if something could be done in order that the satellite would not be visible from the street. Mr. Habenicht said that they must have a clear view of the satellite, but it could be painted. There were other questions and concerns regarding the place- ment of the satellite dish. The request to install a VSAT dish was endorsed by the Quapaw Quarter Association, however, they would like the dish and pole to be situated out of view from the street. A letter from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program was read and they feel the dish would be seen at street level from Rock Street looking west and would be incompatible with the historic neighborhood. A motion was made by Commissioner Jarrard to approve the application. Commissioner McNally asked that the motion be amended to state that the dish be painted in such a way that it would not be noticeable. Commissioner Nichols seconded. Motion passed 4 ayes, 0 nayes. Item #2 - National Register Nomination - Mosaic Templar Building A presentation was given by Sandra Taylor-Smith regarding the Mosaic Templar building at 9th and Broadway Street. Mr. Jim Brown had sent a two page letter of his findings regarding the building's structural condition. A motion was made by Commissioner Nichols and seconded by Commissioner Jarrard to recommend to the State Historic Preservation Office that the nomination of the Mosaic Templar building to the National Register of historic Places be approved. Motion passed. New Business: Mr. George Wittenberg and Mr. Tom Adams of Wittenberg, Delony, and Davidson, gave a presentation regarding the UALR Law School using slides and photos of the old and new. Mr. Wittenberg stated that the building is about 73,500 square feet but the total project would be around 130,000 square feet. The construction consists of remodeling and expanding the GIT building. There were some particularities regarding the Bentley Cottage. Commissioner nichols stated that they need to do some research on the Bentley Cottage as well as the BEI building. There was a lengthy discussion. No action taken. Mr. Wittenberg did say that they would like the Commission's support. The Commission requested a legal opinion from Stephen Giles regarding this matter. Old Business: Update on Chateau Roy Commissioner Jarrard stated that they had met twice with Charles Witsell and David Sargent. They are proposing a wrought iron fence on the east portion of the site which would be the large area with a reflecting pool, and an 8 foot opaque fence around the front of the school. He said they also talked about several ways of maintaining the eight foot fence and setting it back so that the impact would not be quite so fearful for someone walking along the street. Commissioner Jarrard said at the last meeting there was more research on the architectural style and it seems as though the quoins that were in question might be eliminated. Re- garding the classic style railing around the top of the roof, they are thinking of dropping it or setting it back from the edge and using a transparent type railing that would not be visible. He said they also proposed to install a new conicle shaped roof. There is one pyramid shaped roof that would be replaced and one would remain. He said nothing firm-discussions only. They are going to do more studies on the fence around the west side of the building. Commissioner Johnson asked for comments regarding the Bossinger House. Attorney Giles stated that his office was still investigating the matter. Commissioner Nichols gave a brief summary of her conversation with Mayor Villines regarding the Historic District Commission's part in the Little Rock History Week program. She said that several associations had met to program. She said that several associations had met to discuss a preliminary wish list that they would submit to the Little Rock City Board and that they would have another meeting in the Quapaw Quarter Association office on November 15th at 5:30 p.m. There being no further business before the commission, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. nm