HDC_12 01 1988City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES LITTLE ROCKHISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION DECEMBER 1, 1988 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 4 :05 p.m. by Chairman William H. Kennedy, III. A quorum was present - William H. Kennedy, III, Cheryl Nichols, John Jarrard and Kathleen McNally. Thomas Johnson arrived at 4:10. City Attorney Stephen Giles was present. The Chairman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Jarrard and seconded by Commissioner Nichols to approve the minutes as received. Motion passed. Item #1 - Demolition request - 715 Sherman Street (Kramer School) by Pulaski Bank and Trust Company Chairman Kennedy stated that Dan Boland, an attorney representing Pulaski Bank and Trust Company, contacted him and wanted a deferral on the Kramer School demolition request. Mr. Boland was present and explained to the Commission that Pulaski Bank was in the preliminary stages of negotiations with a party interested in purchasing the Kramer School property. In the event the property sold, it could allow for preservation of the structure and negate the need for the present application for demolition. Mr. Boland said he would like to defer the application until January in order to give the parties time for a purchase agreement. Chairman Kennedy clarified the procedures and circumstances regarding deferrals by reading article V, section E. -8 on page 3 -10 of the Historic District Bylaws. Commissioner Jarrard made a motion to defer the application until the January meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded. Commissioner McNally asked for clarification regarding length of time of deferrals of action on demolition requests. Chairman Kennedy responded that the Commission can defer action on a demolition request for a period of six (6) months. He added that no formal action has been asked for at this meeting and that it was his understanding that at the January meeting the Commission could then defer the request for six months. Mr. Giles agreed with Chairman Kennedy and restated that the six month deferral period is not tolled until the applicant asks for action from the Commission. Commissioner Nichols added that the Commission could also simply deny an applicant's request for demolition. The vote was taken. Motion passed. 5 ayes 0 nayes. Mr. Giles stated that re- notification would not be required for a first deferral, but upon a second deferral a re- notification would be necessary. Old /New Business: Adoption of a calendar for 1989. Staff recommended meetings to be held on the first Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to adopt the recommended calendar. Commissioner Nichols seconded. After a brief discussion, Commissioner McNally amended the motion to provide that meetings be held on the first Thursday of each month at _5sQQ p.m. Motion passed. Discussion followed on encouraging and /or establishing a MacArthur Park neighborhood organization or commission advisory committee. Mr. Giles advised the Commission that if the Commission �. accepts formal recommendations from such a neighborhood committee that an ordinance amendment may be necessary and that he would report at the next meeting. Discussions regarding denial of demolition requests, condemnation procedures and deferrals by telephone followed. Chairman Kennedy asked Mr. Giles to investigate the possibility of the Commission meeting by telephone to determine deferral requests. He suggested that if deferrals are granted, it be 1) by majority vote, 2) re- notification be required, and 3) staff post notice of deferral including the new date of public hearing. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.