SEPTEMBER 21, 1987
4:00 P.M.
The emergency meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by the
Vice- Chairman, Thomas Johnson. There were four (4) members
present and one (1) absent (William Kennedy, III).
Commissioner Johnson informed the board that they were there to
consider the clinic at the corner of 10th and Rock Street for Dr.
N. W. Reigler, Jr, and Mr. Alan Beasley was present to give them
the information.
Mr. Beasley presented a landscape plan which saves all the major
trees and includes several pink crepe myrtles. The plan included
a 15' flagpole at the clinic entrance. Alterations to the
previous plan were the wood double -hung windows on all elevations.
Mr. Beasley presented a sample of the red brick proposed for the
building exterior. He stated that the roof would be a medium
dark grey and asked for assistance from the AHPP and the QQA in
choosing paint colors. Mr. Beasley said there would be a four
foot screen around the trash container and that the building
would have roof drains.
AWRk Commissioner Johnson inquired about signage. Mr. Beasley
responded that the sign would be of brushed aluminum letters,
6 " -8" high, mounted on the building and not lighted.
Commissioner Nichols stated that the American Flag gave the
building an institutional look and Mr. Beasley offered to take
the flagpole out.
Commissioner Carfagno asked Mr. Beasley about the windows. He
explained that the windows that are closed can be opened up at a
later date and that all false windows will have recessed fixed
shuttlers with hardware although fireproof plywood would be
behind them.
Commissioner Jarrard requested that the building have the same
size windows and false shuttered windows. Mr. Beasley agreed.
There were no objectors present.
Ms. Jeanette Krohn, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter
Association, Yecommended approval of the application.
Mr. Bill Hall, representing the Arkansas Historic Preservation
Program, recommended approval of the application.
Commissioner Jarrard moved to approve the application with the
followinq conditions:
1. gable ends be uniform on all 4 elevations - as the
existing west elevation.
2. all false windows should be one size, the same as the
real windows.
3. the mansard roof be raised to a uniform height all the
way around.
Commissioner Nichols expressed her concern about the building
still overwhelming that corner and the effect on the neighborhood.
She also acknowledged the effort to make it blend in.
Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.
Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Beasley if any effort had been
made to lower the wall height. Mr. Beasley answered that there
was only space for possibly 6 ".
Commissioner Carfagno restated that she has problems with false
A vote on the motion for approval with conditions passed by a
Ofth vote of 3 for (Jarrard, Johnson, Nichols), 1 against (Carfagno ).
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 4:45