HDC_03 05 1987City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MARCH 5, 1987 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 P.M. A quorum was present for the calling of the role (Mr. Sam Strauss, Jr., Ms. Cheryl Nichols and Dr. Dan Cook). Mr. John Jarrard arrived at 4:20 P.M., and Mr. Bill Kennedy, III was absent. Mr. Sam Strauss, Chairman, asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting which was moved and passed. Ms. Tania Jones from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program delivered a presentation and slide show regarding the process for nominating structures to the National Register of Historic Places. She explained that cities, such as Little Rock, which receive grants through the Certified Local Government Program must review the structure applications at the local level and make recommendations for each. She also gave examples of the types of applications and how they are distributed around the state. Ms. Darcia Norwood, representing the American Legion Post No. 1 requested that the Commission reconsider the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to extend the existing parking lot south along Rock Street to Sixth Street. She presented graphics addressing each of the conditions set forth at the June 5, 1986 meeting which were itemized in a letter of June 25, 1986 to Mr. John Corn, Attorney for the Legion. After much discussion the Commission agreed to rehear the case by a vote of 3 for (Strauss, Jarrard, Cook), 1 abstaining (Nichols), and 1 absent (Kennedy). Cheryl Nichols suggested that, since the district is nearly ten years old, it may be time to prepare and mail a brochure to owners within the district, explaining the boundaries, requirements, process, advantages and other information about the MacArthur Historic District. Staff agreed to consider the request and find an effective way to accomplish this task. There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:10 P.M. WMD /se