DECEMBER 4, 1986
The meeting began at 4:05 p.m. with the calling of the roll.
Commissioners Strauss, Kennedy, Jarrard and Cook were
present with one position being vacant. Chairman Strauss
asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the previous
meeting which was seconded and unanimously passed.
The Chairman called the first item of business which was an
application by Mr. and Mrs. Felton Lamb, Jr., who proposed
to erect a six (6) unit apartment structure and adjacent
garage. Mr. Wali Caradine, architect, representing the
applicant explained the architectural style of the new
structure identifying particulars relative to the height,
color, scale, rhythm of buildings and general materials to
be utilized. He also described the architectural styles of
the structures and details of porches, deck, lattice and
fence materials.
Ms. Cheryl Nichols, representing the Quapaw Quarter
Association and Ms. Mary Madden representing the Arkansas
Historic Preservation Program both recommended approval of
the request.
After a short discussion regarding the materials and site
plan elements, Mr. Jarrard requested that the facia boards
be one by eight inches in width and that the fence
connecting the three principal structures be located eight
feet from the front facade of the structures.
Dr. Cook moved to approve the application with the two
changes which was seconded and passed by a vote of 4 for -
0 against - 1 vacant position.
The last item on the agenda was a review of the Parking Lot
and Dumpster Design Guidelines. Mr. Kennedy stated that he
felt the planting requirements were not an effective
screening barrier for parking lots. Also, Dr. Cook
explained changes that would encourage new lighting to be
compatible with surrounding architecture.
Mr. Kennedy moved to approve the two amendments which were
seconded by Dr. Cook. The Parking Lot and Dumpster Design
Guidelines along with the accompanying Fence Guidelines were
passed by a vote of 4 for - 0 against - 1 vacant position.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at
4:55 p.m.