HDC_07 10 1986City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION JULY 10, 1986 The meeting began at 4:05 P.M. with the calling of the roll. All members being present, the Chair asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Commissioner Cook requested that two changes be made in the Minutes as presented; that the seventh condition placed upon the American Legion be deleted as this was not a part of the original motion and that the board fence was to be 5 ft. in height not that a 5 ft. height was set as a minimum. A motion to approve the Minutes with these changes was made, seconded and approved unanimously. The Chair then called Case M-7, an application for property at 1001 Cumberland deferred from the previous meeting, before the Commission. Mr. Wali Caradine, owner and applicant, presented the project specifics. He stated that he would be using the structure as his home and office. He also outlined changes proposed from the orignal submission including raising fence heights to 8 ft. and a relocation and redesign of the solarium and deck areas. After some discussion concerning these changes and the replication of the porch railing and roofing materials, a motion was made and seconded to approve the project as presented by Mr. Caradine. Commissioner Jarrard then proposed that the 8 ft. fence be limited to those sections along the south property line and between the south property line and the structure. This change was placed in the form of an amendment to the original motion and was approved unanimously. The Chair then called for a vote on the motion as amended. All members voted aye. The Chair then called Case M-9 before the Commission. This application was for certain changes and additions to Kramer School at 715 Sherman so that the building might be used for apartments. Mr. Joe Johnson of the Cromwell Firm, representing the owner, Wengroup and Associates, explained the project's intent and design. The Commission questioned the design of skylights and landscape maintenance provisions. The applicant stated that the skylights would not extend more than 2" above the plane of the roof, the frames would generally match the color of the roof and that glazing would be tinted. He also stated that every effort would be made to preserve the landscape materials and that any plants which died would be replaced. The Chair then called for persons in favor of the project to come forward. Staff presented the Commission with a letter from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program requesting that approval be given to both Cases M-8 and M-9. Cheri Nichols of the Quapaw Quarter Association spoke in favor of the project. No opposition being present, the Chair called for a motion. A motion to approve the project as submitted was made, seconded and approved unanimously. The Chair then called Case M-8, an application for the building at 511 Rock, before the Commission. Commissioner Jarrard, project architect, stepped down to present the case. He gave a brief overview. Angie Meeks of the State Historic Preservation Program and Cheryl Nichols spoke in favor of the project. There being no opposition, a motion was made to approve the project as presented. This was seconded and approved unanimously. A by -law amendment, proposed by staff, was then presented to Aak the Commission. Staff explained the reasons for the change, which formalizes the Commission's relationship with the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program in regards to project review. The Chair then called for a roll call vote. All members voted affirmatively. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. RA /se