HDC_05 05 1986MINUTES
MAY 5, 1986
The meeting began at 4:00 P.M. with the calling of the roll.
All members being found present, the Chairman asked for a
motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Said
motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously. The
Chairman then called Case M-3, an application by the
American Legion which had been deferred from a previous
meeting. Mr. John Corn, representing the American Legion,
began the applicant's presentation by questioning the
Commissioners' individual relationships with the Quapaw
Quarter Association. This led to an extended discussion
about Mr. Corn's supposition that a conflict of interest in
Commission matters exists because the Q.Q.A. makes
recommendations about Certificate of Appropriateness
applications and all Commission members belong to the Q.Q.A.
Mr. Carpenter, President of the American Legion Post #1,
then addressed the Commission outlining the Post's need for
additional parking, efforts to find a reuse for the existing
building and that landscaping would be extended throughout
the existing parking lot. The Commission and various
representatives of the applicant then discussed details of
the parking lot design. Following a summation by Mr. Corn,
spokespersons for the Quapaw Quarter Association reaffirmed
their previous positions ie; that the structure at 522 Rock
is not significant historically or architecturally but that
the location is inappropriate for a parking lot. Both
organizations also urged that the proposed parking lot
undergo additional design review. Commissioner Cook then
moved that the demolition of the structure at 522 Rock be
issued a Certificate of Appropriateness and be approved.
This was seconded, and approved unanimously. Commissioner
Jarrard then moved that the parking lot portion of the
application be approved subject to certain conditions. This
motion received no second. Commissioner Kennedy then moved
to deny the application. Again the motion received no
second. The Commission then moved that the application be
denied and the American Legion be encouraged to submit a new
application. This motion was seconded but then withdrawn.
Commissioner Kennedy then moved that the application be
deferred until the June 5th, 1986 meeting at which time the
applicant is to submit revised drawings. This motion was
seconded and approved unanimously.
The Chair then asked for a motion to approve a proposed
guideline amendment relating to plaques for historic
buildings. This motion was made, seconded, and approved
unanimously. The Chair then asked for old and new business.
Commissioner Jarrard then brought up a decision on the part
of the State Historic Preservation Program to oppose the
listing of the building at 209 E. 10th as a contributing
structure to the Macarthur Park Historic District. after
some discussion about the ramifications of this action, the
Commission instructed staff to request a clarification of
this position from the Arkansas Historic Preservation
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.