HDC_09 09 1985City of Little Rock HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1985 MEETING OF THE MACARTHUR PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Chairman John Jarrard opened the meeting by welcoming two new members to the Commission, Ms. Marion Bruno and Dr. Dan Cook. He also welcomed Ms. Pat Benton, the new representative of the City Attorney's office at commission meetings, and Mr. Robert Atkinson who is taking over staff responsibility from Mr. Mike Dooley. After these introductory remarks, the roll was called. All members were present. The Chair then asked for a motion to approve the minutes for the previous meeting. Mr. Dooley stated that these minutes had been completed. Commissioner Kennedy then moved that this matter be held over to the next meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous voice vote. Chairman Jarrard then called for nominations for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair. Dr. Cook nominated Commissioner Strauss for Chairman and Commissioner Kennedy for the position of Vice Chairman. These nominations were seconded and nominations were closed. Chairman Strauss and Vice Chairman Kennedy were elected by acclimation. Chairman Strauss then assumed the chair. Chairman Strauss asked for a motion to approve the meeting calendar staff had prepared for the remainder of the year. Commissioner Kennedy so moved. The motion was seconded and approved by acclimation. Chairman Strauss then asked for a motion to approve certain changes to the Commission's Guidelines and Bylaws. Commissioner Kennedy so moved. After being seconded, the motion was approved by a vote of 5 for; none against. Case M-1 was then brought up before the Commission. After some discussion, Commissioners Jarrard and Kennedy decided to abstain because of potential conflicts of interest. Chairman Strauss then asked for statements from those favoring the application. Mr. Jim Guy Tucker, an attorney, began his statement by reviewing the differences between this application and the Omftk previous one which had been denied. Following this, he entered into the records letters from persons and organizations supporting the application. After making further points regarding the Commission's purview in the case, Mr. Tucker turned the floor over to others wishing to matte statements in support of the application. These persons included Mr. Gene Hornbeck, business manager for the church and Dr. Billy White. Following questions by Dr. Cook, the Chairman then opened the floor to persons opposing the application. Mr. Steve Ingstrom, an attorney representing owners of adjacent property, was the first opponent of the application to speak. He pointed out that very few items differentiated this application from the one which had been previously denied. He also made other statements seeking to refute arguments for the application set forth by the proponents. Others speaking in opposition to the application included Somers Matthews, Tom Johnson, Cheryl Nichols and Bill Hall. Following rebuttals by both sides and questions by the Commissioners, Chairman strauss asked for a motion to grant or deny a Certificate of Appropriateness. Ms. bruno moved that the application be denied. The motion was seconded by Dr. Cook. Following a roll call vote, the application was denied by a vote of three yeas, no noes and two abstentions. owk. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned Robert Atkinson Secretary 10/15/85