HDC_04 03 1985MINUTES
APRIL 3, 1985
The meeting was opened at 4:00 P.M. with the calling of the
roll. All members being present, the Chair asked for a
motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. This
motion was made and seconded and was approved by voice vote.
The Chair then announced that Case M-4, an application by
the American Legion at 422 Rock which was to have been
recalled at this meeting was deferred until the May meeting
at the applicant's request. The Chair then called Case M-6,
an application by Mr. Richard Butler involving the
restoration of 407 E. 10th and demolition of 409 E. 10th.
Mr. Butler began his pr!sentation by stating that the
Commission had been generally favorable to the project,
although no approval was given, when a related application
was reviewed in May, 1985. He then summarized the project
and its relationship to the surrounding neighborhood.
Tommy Jameson, project architect, outlined the significance
of 407 E. 10th and explained the technical reasons why 409
E. 10th, a building of little architectural importance must
be removed if 407 was to be saved. After some questions
from the Commission, Mr. Butler stated that he was
undertaking the demolition most reluctantly and offered to
give 409 to anyone willing to move the building. The Chair
then asked for any others speaking in support of the
application and Charles Marat of Quapaw Realty was
recognized. He presented an economic rationale for the
project. Cheryl Nichols of the Quapaw Quarter Association
also spoke in favor of the project although only reluctantly
in support of the demolition. There being no opposition to
the project present, discussion was ended. Commissioner
Cook then moved that the project be approved with staff
being instructed to review final landscaping and fencing
details. Commissions Jarrard seconded the motion and it
was approved unanimously. Staff volunterr!d to write the
letter of approval and circulate it for the Commissioners'
There being no old or new business, the meeting was
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