HDC_02 08 1984MINUTES
FEBRUARY 8, 1984
4:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. John Jarrard, at
4:00 P.M. and finding a quorum to exist, the Commission moved to accept the
Minutes of the previous meeting as recorded.
Staff reported that the required notification had been properly mailed
to owners of property within the area of influence of the filed application
and that proof of said notification had been received.
Staff announced the first item as:
Owner: Thomas E. Wilks, Trustee
Address: 518 E. 7th Street (Penzel Place)
Request: Apartments - New Construction
Mr. Sam Strauss explained that the applicant manages a property in which
Mr. Strauss has partial ownership. He asked if there was a conflict of interest
or any objection to his review of the pending case. He does not have proprietary
interest in this application and hearing no objectors, the meeting resumed.
The applicant, Mr. Tom Wilks, thanked the Commission for its timely review
of the application and explained the proposed Penzel Place project was named
after a family who once owned a large victorian house on the site. He described
the project as having 30 units on approximately 32 lots, having a floor area of
about 25,500 square feet. He stated that he felt it was a good location for
apartments and described the general area, noting several existing and proposed
apartment developments as examples of the favorable apartment market.
Mr. Wilks distributed his final plans to the Commission and discussed the
site plan,first noting changes in setback and the elimination of a wall connec-
tion between the two (2) buildings in order to break up the facade. He stated
that, with assistance from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program and the
Quapaw Quarter Association, he had changed the architectural style of the
buildings from a Federal Style to a more Contemporary Style with some Victorian
features including gabels, a broken roof line and lowering the height in the
front. He explained that the building material would be of a red brick type.
He stated that the three (3) story portion of the proposed buildinas did not
appear to be out of character with adjacent buildings and that he was trying
to give an impression of a Townhouse Style when actually all the units were
one (1) level.
Mr. Kennedy asked about fencing for security purposes on the site.
Mr. Wilks stated he would like to use a wrought iron fence but that it would
not necessarily be used for security although he was proposing a board fence
on the North and West property lines as a headlight screen. Asked about the
location of lighting, Mr. Wilks stated he would like to put the lights on the
Mr. Worthen asked if the parking layout would remain essentially the
same and Mr. Wilks replied that it would.
Mr. Jarrard asked about the lattice connection between buildings and
Mr. Wilks explained that it would be set back from the exterior facade and
would provide a visual screen from the street to the stairs and parking lot.
Mr. Kennedy asked if the fireplace chimneys would be functional.
Mr. Wilks said that the two (2) bedroom units would have functional fireplaces
and Mr. Jarrard recommended that a cap be provided to cover the exposed
Mr. Jarrard asked about the thickness of the facia and Mr. Wilks stated
that the architect would make the boards wider to complement other buildings
in the area.
Mr. Jarrard asked how the bay windows would be covered on the exterior.
Mr. Wilks was not sure but that he intended for them to be brick if possible.
Mr. Jarrard asked if the brick would extend to the floor line. Mr.
Wilks stated that he would like to create the impression of a foundation,
but that they were now proposed to be on a slab.
Mr. Kennedy asked if the porches were to be of wood or masonry. Mr.
Wilks stated that the issue had not been discussed with his architect.
Mr. Jarrard asked if screening was required since the zoning on each
side was the same. Staff replied that a four (4) foot opaque screen is re-
quired along any interior parking area.
Asked about the location of the dumpster, Mr. Wilks stated he would like
it on the Sherman Street entrance and provide a gate or screen so that the
large trucks would not do damage to the parking surface.
Mr. W. E. Davis responsed to the Chairman's request for additional pro-
ponents and stated that he lived directly to the North of the proposed project.
His specific request was to require a five (5) foot screen on the North property
Ms. Eve Yancy, representing the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program,
explained that they had met with Mr. Wilks that morning and read into the
record their letter of approval subject to the final plan as submitted. Ms.
Chery Nichols, Executive Director of the Quapaw Quarter Association, stated
she was also involved in the morning meeting with Mr. Wilks and had revised
her recommendation on the final plans, which she also submitted to staff,
and also recommended that a Certificate of Appropriateness be approved.
Mr. Jarrard asked if there were any objectors present. Hearing none, he
asked for comments from the Commission.
A lengthy discussion on the procedures for deferral, continuance and
conditional approval occurred as the staff explained that the Commission could
do any of the suggested alternatives and still carry out the prescribed duties
of the Commission. If any specific condition were not attainable by the
applicant, the item at issue would then have to be reconsidered.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness
subject to staff review and acceptance of the following items:
1. 5 ft. board fence on North and West property lines.
2. Brick on structures to extend to grade or ground level.
3. Facia at edge of roof to be 1" x Q" board with crown or detail mold.
4. Bracketing or railing to be provided on exterior porches.
5. Extend chimney to cover exposed flues and provide common chimney
6. Bay window design to be approved by staff.
Mr. Worthen seconded the motion for approval which was passed by a vote
of 4 for, 0 against.
The Commission asked that Mr. Wilks provide amended copies of the plan
to the staff for review as soon as possible.
There being no further business, the Historic District Commission declared
the meeting closed at 5:05 P.M.
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