HDC_06 15 1982MINUTES HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION JUNE 15, 1982 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MR. JOHN JARRARD, CHAIRMAN MR. LONNIE POWERS MR. SAM STRAUSS, JR. MR. GEORGE WORTHEN MEMBERS ABSENT: MS. BETH FOTI STAFF PRESENT: MIKE DOOLEY This meeting is a continuation of the June 1, 1982 meeting which was adjourned in order to allow the applicant to complete the required property owner notification. The meeting was reconvened at 4:10 P.M. and finding a quorum, the Commission moved to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting as recorded. Item No. 1 was announced as: location: 623 Rock Street for: Restoration of existing residence by: Mr. William Kennedy, III Mr. Kennedy was in attendance and presented the following history of the structure and proposal for exterior rehabilitation: HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE: From architectural analysis, it is probable that this house was constructed in approximately 1900 and is of the Colonial Revival style. Most of the original exterior remains and the original floor plan is still relatively intact, although several additions have been made to the back of the house. It is designated as a Priority II structure in the MacArthur Park Historic District. PROPOSED USE: The house, in single family use, will be restored to its original configuration and size by removing additions on the rear of the structure. Work will be carried out using the original drawings. PROPOSAL PHYSICAL REHABILITATION (EXTERIOR ONLY): 1. Removal of all additions taking the house back to the original configuration. 2. Restoration of box gutters and cornice on the rear of the house. 3. Relocation of electrical service. 4. Enclosing the rear porch with glass and lattice. 5. Installation of a new composition shingle roof over the kitchen and back portion of the second floor. 6. Repainting of new work in appropriate colors based on color analysis of the house. Building plans were available for inspection and discussion by the Commission and applicant with no recommended changes. Mr. George Worthen made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Mr. Lonnie Powers seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness by a vote of 4 for - 0 against - 1 absent. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P.M.