HDC_06 02 1981MINUTES HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION JUNE 2, 1981 4:00 P.M. I. FINDiNG A QUORUM The meeting opened at 4:05 P.M. with four (4) members present. Mr. Worthen arrived after the election of officers, makinc the full cornission in attendance. Members present: Ms. Beth Foti Mr. John Jarrard Mr. Lonnie Powers Mr. Sam Strauss, Jr. Mr. George Worthen Members absent: None II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The following officers were unanimously elected to preside over the Commission for the remainder of 1981: Mr. John Jarrard - Chairman Mr. George Worthen - Vice- Chairman III. EXPIRATION OF MEMBERS TERMS The expiration date or the terms of service for Ms. Foti and Mr. Strauss is June 15, 1981. At this point, they have decided to take the matter of reappointment under consideration, check their schedules and report to the Commission within a few days. IV. CODE OF ETHICS Under provisions of Act 570 of 1979 all the members of Boards and Com- missions in the State of Arkansas are required to file a Code of Ethics Report with their City Clerk. Since the creation of the Historic District was accomplished last month, and the Commission will now be making de- c1sionn which will affect property owners in the future, this information was distributed. V. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE The selection of an Architectural Review Committee to provide the Historic District Commission with technical expertise in the form of a recommenda- tion for each application for a Certificate of Appropriateness was dis- cussed. It was decided that this should be a three (3) member Committee. A list of names was provided for the staff to contact and discuss their interest in serving in that capacity. The staff was also directed to con- tact Mr. Dan Chapel, an architect with the State Department of Natural and Cultural Heritage to solicit his recommendations on actions before the Commission prior to the establishment of the Architectural Review Committee. V 1 . ( Al i Pil)i R Most importantly, chanties in thp cul_ ndar include thn follooinq: Q) P u b l i c Bearing date w i l l be changed .fir trill the 1 i r` t. Tuesday of each monti to the first KednF?nday of each wonth at 4:00 P.K. E.) Docket Closing dates were set for the f=irst Thursday of each month. These changes w i l l take_ effect in the month of Auqust. i n that bus! nass has already been docketed for the Tuesday, July 7th meninx. `v'II. APPLICATION FORM instruction sheets, appl icatioi.s and rOti iici:CM fOiNS to adjacEM property owners were distributes and diSLUS' Q. he oily addition was to include an estimate of the cost of improvements. A standard information sign announcing a public hearing was approved. Staff was requested to prepare an original certificate draft and to contact other cities to obtain a copy of their Certificate of Appropriateness, in order to provide approved applicants with a well designed certificate of approval. Viii. ADJOURNMENT The public hearing was adjourned at (x:00 P.M. The next public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 7, 1991 at 4:00 P.M. in the Ward of Directors Chamber Room on the Second Floor of Little Rock & ty Han . ^e