HDC_10 07 1980MINUTES HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION OCTOBER 7, 1980 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MR. JOHN JARRARD, CHAIRMAN MS. BETH FOTI MR. LONNIE POWERS MR. GEORGE WORTHEN MEMBERS ABSENT: MR. SAM STRAUSS STAFF PRESENT: MR. MIKE DOOLEY MR. NATHANIEL GRIFFIN The first item of discussion centered around changes to the State Historic Districts Act. Mr. Buddy Villines, Assistant City Manager, was present and explained that the City endorsed the concept of a Historic District and would certainly be in favor of any proposed changes which would make the process function more efficiently. He indicated that the City would place the issue in its legislative package and assist the Historic District Commission in finding a sponsor. He added that several major issues concerning local govern- ment will require his full attention in the session, and suggested that the City may be unable to commit the adequate amount of time necessary to act as principal negotiator for the chanqes should they run into opposition. The Commission received copies of the latest draft of the Historic District Ordinance. The changes included a consensus of opinions gathered on various unresolved items. There was a general agreement to proceed with the formulation of a list of changes which would be considered as blanket approvals for the issuance of certificates of appropriateness. A work session was scheduled for Wednesday, October 22, at 4:00 p.m. in the Second Floor Converence Room at which time we will discuss the above mentioned list as well as signage regulations, the report to the Board of Directors and changes to the State Act. Please mark this date on your calendar and phone me if you have any conflicting engagements. MD /se