HDC_10 16 1979M I N U T E S HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION OCTOBER 16, 1979 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: JOHN JARRARD, CHAIRMAN SAM STRAUSS ROBERT CONNER MEMBERS ABSENT: BETH FOTI The first order of business was the introduction and discussion of a report titled Architectural Historic Survey of MacArthur Park. The Arkansas enabling legislation that allows cities to create historic districts requires such a structure survey and report to be compiled for review by the municipality and the State Historic Preservation Program. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to forward said document to the appropriate entities for their recommendation. The nomination and election of officers for the next fiscal year were accomplished with Mr. John Jarrard being elected Chairman of the Commission and Mr. Sam Strauss, Jr. being elected Vice - Chairman. Copies of the proposed By-laws for the Historic District Commission were distributed and will be discussed, along with the State enabling legislation and how we will modify that Act for our local Ordinance to best serve the City of Little Rock, at a Special Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 1979 in the Board of Directors Conference Room of City Hall at 4:00 P.M.