HDC_08 03 1976MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AUGUST 3, 1976 - 1:30 P.M. Members Present: Joan Baldridge Members Absent: None Sheffield Nelson Charles Witsell James Strewn Annie Abrams Anne Bartley (Director of the State Dept. of Natural and Cultural Heritage) reviewed and discussed the nomination of the MacArthur Park Historic District to the National Pegister of historic places. The district covers approxi- mately 60 acres of the oldest residential section of Little Rock. Out of the 300 structures in the MacArthur Park Historic District, there are over 40 architecturally or historically significant structures which date from as early as 1840 up to the late 19th century. Ron Jonash, an associate in the Booz.Allen and Hamilton Consulting Firm of San Francisco, shared his experiences with other cities in the creation of historic districts and downtown renovation. His comments included conserva- tion zoning, enlisting support of real estate developers, and requesting the Historic Commission to consider asking the City for monies from the proposed bond issue to upgrade the physical amities in the area. Joan Baldridge and Charles Witsell consented to begin a survey of owners in the area in an effort to contact and inform them of the proposed City Historic District. Sheffield Felson nominated Joan Baldridge and Charles Witsell as permanent chairman and vice-chairman respectively, which passed unanimously. Arrangements have been made with the consulting firm working with the Capitol Zoning Commission to have Steve Rousseau speak to the Historical District Commission at its next meeting on Thursday, August 19th at 2:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.