CBC_05 03 2018The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 02, 2018, at Curran Hall, 615 E. Capitol Avenue. Chairman, BJ Sanders-Woods called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: BJ Sanders-Woods Melissa Henshaw Steve Homeyer Wally Loveless Bobby Cushman Michael Mason Michael Harvey Bob Winchester MEMBERS ABSENT: Justin Blagg Ed Peek Janet Wilson ALSO PRESENT: Dana Carney, Zoning and Subdivision Manager, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock. D. Tracy Spillman, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH MEETING MINUTES: Commissioner Cushman called for a correction in the April Minutes. Under the Treasurers Report, the sentence “Commissioner Homeyer inquired about the balance of the City of Little Rock’s CBC annual monetary allotment.” has been changed to “Commissioner Chushman inquired about the balance of the City of Little Rock’s CBC annual monetary allotment.” Chairman Sanders-Woods entertained a motion to approve the corrected April 2018 Minutes. Motion: Commissioner Cushman made a motion that the corrected April 05, 2018 Minutes be approved. Second: Commissioner Henshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. WELCOME NEW COMMISSIONER: Chairman Sanders-Woods introduced newly appointed Commissioner Mr. Michael Mason. Mr. Mason introduced himself and briefly stated his interest in being a CBC commissioner. The other commissioners and Staff introduced themselves. VARIANCE REQUEST: CBC CASE 658, 1701 E 22ND STREET Variance Requested: To allow the proposed new development for the property located at 1701 East 22nd Street to continue as nonconforming by not requiring the perimeter planting strip, associated trees, and screening shrubs between the proposed concrete loading area and the street right-of-way. Findings: This I-2 zoned property is located within an industrial area of the City between I-30 and the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport. There are single-family homes located to the north of this site between East 16th and East 22nd Streets and between Security Avenue and Boyce Street. East 22nd Street is a narrow unimproved street. The street appears to be chip and seal asphalt with open ditches for drainage. There are no sidewalks in place along East 22nd Street. The site contains an existing 26,500 square foot industrial building and a graveled parking area. There are two smaller structures located on the site. A 25-foot by 16-foot metal building and a 10-foot by 18-foot metal canopy. The applicant is proposing to add an additional 12,600 square foot building to the site east of the existing structure. A new drive is also proposed from East 22nd Street to serve this new structure. The applicant previously requested variances from Sections 30-43 and 31-210 to allow a drive less than 125-feet from the side property line and 250-feet from other driveways or street intersections, and to allow the driveway width to exceed 36-feet. In addition a variance from Section 36-522 to allow the elimination of the street buffer was also requested. Staff was supportive of the applicants request and recommended approval. On April 5, 2018 (file no. S-1810) the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the proposed site plan and requested variances. The developer has stated that in order to place the proposed building as shown on the site plan the concrete service apron planned for the north side of this new structure will need to be maximized to allow for the best possible maneuvering of the truck traffic. As shown on the site plan this proposed 91’x46’ concrete pad extends north from the proposed loading dock to the existing fence adjacent to the East 22nd Street right-of-way. Due to the proposed dimension of the apron the required perimeter planting strip adjacent to the street and the associated plant materials are not being provided at the request of the developer. Excluding the entry drive there is approximately seventy (70) linear feet of vehicular use area adjacent to the street right-of-way. This would require a minimum of two (2) trees and twenty-three (23) screening shrubs. As required, a perimeter planting strip is provided between the proposed vehicular use area and the existing fence on the east property line. This approximate nine (9) nine foot wide landscape area exceeds the required minimum width by more than two (2) feet. This forty-six (46) foot linear strip will require two (2) trees and five (5) shrubs. The overall proposed development would require a total of four (4) trees and twenty-eight (28) shrubs or vines. Staff Recommendation: Due to the industrial nature of this site located on a narrow unimproved, low volume, dead end street Staff is supportive of the requested perimeter planting strip variance and the elimination of the planting area, street trees, and screening shrubs adjacent to East 22nd Street right-of-way associated with this request. Staff recommends that all required landscape be placed in the perimeter planting strip between the existing fence on the east property line and the proposed truck apron. Presentation: The applicant Mr. Jason Bouwknegt of Marlar Engineering and a General Contractor representative from CE construction were present to address any specific questions. Commissioner Henshaw inquired if any of the surrounding residences would be in view of the new construction. Commissioner Cushman stated that he had visited the site and it appeared that the proposed construction would not significantly impact the existing houses in close proximity. Commissioner Winchester inquired if notices had been sent out to the surrounding properties. Staff member Spillman stated that the receipts for these had been filed and no inquiries from the surrounding neighbors concerning the proposed construction had been received. Commissioner Homeyer asked if the new plant material would be irrigated. The general contractor responded that all new landscape would be irrigated. Motion: Commissioner Loveless made a motion that the variance be approved as recommended by Staff Second: Commissioner Homeyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT: Expense Report: Commissioner Cushman provided a printed Treasury Report to each of the commissioners and briefly discussed and stated that current balance is $404.00. COMMITTEE REPORTS, UPDATES: Community Projects City Hall South Yard: Commissioner Homeyer explained this project to the new commissioners. It was also noted that the commissioner had contacted different parties concerning plant material donations and would bring and present the approved landscape plan to the next meeting. Public Relations In the absence of Commissioner Blagg there was no new report. KLRB: Commissioner Henshaw stated that there was nothing new to report. Adopt-A-Street: Commissioner Loveless stated that the last scheduled pick-up had been canceled. The commissioners generally discussed possible dates and scheduled the next pick-up for May 05, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Chairman Sanders-Woods said that she had been contacted by a concerned citizen concerning unsightly “snipe” signs in the public right-of-way. The commissioners discussed how these should be addressed. Staff Member Carney explained that any complaints should be directed to Little Rock Public Works through the 311 system. Eye of the Beholder: Commissioner Loveless sated that the nomination cards for this award have been sent to the printer. A general discussion ensued concerning having these printed by the Planning Department or using a private contractor any paying with the CBC funds. It was decided that using a private printer and the CBC funds would be the most efficient. Landscape Awards: Commissioner Homeyer explained this award to the new commissioners. Chairman Sanders-Woods nominated the I-Hop property on Chenal Parkway. T.R.E.E Fund: Commissioner Homeyer explained this program and its purpose to the new commissioners. Commissioner Cushman inquired about funds and how these are to be appropriated. Commissioner Homeyer presented Commissioner Cushman with the T.R.E.E fund maps and spread sheets indicating the funds for each associated area. The commissioners then generally discussed possible projects. City Beautiful Exhibit: Commissioner Loveless explained this exhibit to the new commissioners. He stated that he would check on the status of the items that are being stored with the Historic Arkansas Museum. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday, June 07, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. The next Adopt-A-Street pickup will be May 05, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Commissioner Homeyer made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:34 p.m. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864 FAX: 501 371-6863 E-MAIL: DSPILLMAN@LITTLEROCK.GOV