HDC_04 09 2018Page 1 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, April 9, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Board Room, City Hall Roll Call Quorum was present being seven (7) in number. Members Present: Chair Ted Holder Vice Chair Jeremiah Russell Dick Kelley Dale Pekar Lauren Frederick Amber Jones Robert Hodge Members Absent: none City Attorney: Debra Weldon Staff Present: Brian Minyard Citizens Present: Lauren Dilks Walter Malone Approval of Minutes Commissioner Jeremiah Russell made a motion to approve the March 12, 2018 minutes as amended. On page 3, second paragraph under Commission Action should read “Toni Johnson, who wrote the nomination, was unable…” Also on page 7 third paragraph under Commission Action should read “Mr. Wilcox stated that due to outside and inside changes….”. Commissioner Robert Hodge seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 7 ayes, 0 noes, and 0 absent. Notice requirements were met on all of the items except as noted in individual hearing items. Notice of public hearing was printed in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the internet and emails were sent to interested citizens and the press to inform them of the agenda being posted online. Page 2 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435 www.littlerock.gov STAFF REPORT ITEM NO. One. DATE: April 9, 2018 APPLICANT: Lyndsey Dilks, Dilks Law Firm ADDRESS: 1008 Cumberland FILE NUMBER: HDC18-007 COA REQUEST: Sign PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located at 1008 Cumberland. The property’s legal description is “Lot 10, Block 24, Original City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas." This multifamily building was built circa 1900. The 2006 survey form states: “This two story colonial Revival house has typical hipped roof with central front facing dormer. Full porch has classical columns. A rear shed addition is added to the back with stairs.” It is considered a "Contributing Structure" to the MacArthur Park Historic District. This property is subject to a conservation easement by Arkansas Historic Preservation Program AHPP. See attached letter from Paul Porter. This application is for a replacement sign utilizing the same posts as the sign before. The sign will be for two businesses operating out of the same structure. PREVIOUS ACTIONS ON THIS SITE: On December 22, 2107 a COC was issued to Dilks Law Firm for a roof replacement. Location of Project Page 3 of 5 Existing sign Proposed design of new sign Existing east elevation Contributing and Non-contributing map PROPOSAL AND WRITTEN ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION BASED OFF OF INTENT AND GUIDELINES: This proposal is to reface the sign using the existing posts that are on site. There will be three panels attached to the existing sign, one with the house number, one with Dilks Law Firm, and one for an additional tenant, The Lash Queen. All of the colors in the sign are currently used on the house. The panels are, according to the quote from FASTSIGNS, DiBond 3 millimeter thick white metal composite with cut or printed vinyl applied. There are no light fixtures to illuminate the signage noted in the application. The Guidelines state on page 63 that materials on freestanding signs should be wood or a non- shiny finish. They also state on page 64 that if a building has multiple tenants, the signage should be coordinated. Lastly, it states that lighting of signs should be from remote sources preferably from the ground aimed at the sign and shielded from street view. It is important that the new material added to the sign will not be of a shiny finish and that any lighting of the sign Page 4 of 5 be ground mounted and unobtrusive. According to one website, DiBond has a high gloss factory baked polyester finish. This should be permissible if the panel is painted or has solid vinyl backgrounds on the panels. The sign is being utilized by both tenants of the building. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no comments regarding this application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions: 1. Obtaining a sign permit. 2. Any lighting of the sign shall be ground mounted shielded from the sidewalk. 3. Minimize the high gloss finish of the panels with painting or vinyl transfers on the visible portions of the DiBond. COMMISSION ACTION: April 9, 2018 Brian Minyard, Staff, made a brief presentation of the item. Ms. Lauren Dilks stated that her investment company had purchased the property (Dilks Property Investment Company) and was leasing it to her law firm and another tenant (the Lash Queen). She stated that the lighting is already there and is ground mounted. There were no citizens that spoke on the item. There was a motion to approve by Commissioner Jeremiah Russell and was seconded by Robert Hodge. The motion passed 7 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. Other Matters: Enforcement issues Staff had none to report to the Commission. Certificates of Compliance A spreadsheet was distributed to the Commission earlier in the agenda meeting. Citizen Communication There were no citizens that chose to speak during citizen communication. Mr. Minyard stated that he anticipated a Design Review Committee meeting to be held that month. The Commissioners were asked to place that on their calendars. Adjournment There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting ended at 5:10 p.m. Attest Chair Secretary /Staff Date Date Page 5 of 5