HDC_11 10 20081
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Monday, November 10, 2008, 5:00 p.m.
Sister Cities’ Conference Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Marshall Peters
Julie Wiedower
Susan Bell
Bob Wood
Randy Ripley
Members Absent: None
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Eve Gieringer
Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Boyd Maher
II. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes of
October 13, 2008 with corrections as noted. The corrections are on page 4 – change
“the’ to “she”; page 10 change “CLG” to “CDBG”, page 10 – change “owners hip” to
“ownership”, page 8 change “be come” to “become” and page 7 change “1950” to
‘1950’s”. Commissioner Bob Wood seconded and the minutes were approved with a
vote of 5 ayes and 0 noes.
III. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
V. Other Matters
A: Enforcement issues:
Handouts were given to the commissioners. Tonya Robinson Fisher will need to have
her lights down by mid November (30 days from meeting).
Caroline Apartments – Debra Weldon, City Attorney’s office, is to check into
enforcement on this item. This will be covered in a workshop item.
Arc Arkansas is making progress on this item.
Lisa Lynn Ross is repairing and does not have her windows back. There was a meeting
on site with Staff and the owners and it was a good meeting.
Chairman Marshall Peters asked Ms. Weldon about changes of ownership and if the
COA transfers to the new owners. That item is on the workshop items. Ms. Weldon is
checking on this.
Commissioner Julie Wiedower asked about the house on Daisy Bates (Arlene Sullivan).
Staff stated that they are painting inside and continuing work.
B: Preservation Plan Update:
There should be another meeting in November for our second phase. The Staff is
ready to do the mailing for the next meeting. The City of Little Rock is further along than
any other city in the State.
C: Ownership of the Dunbar Survey:
Mr. Minyard spoke with Lisa Spigner, CDBG coordinator, about the ownership. The
document will be a City of Little Rock owned document. Staff left it at that point for now
with the Housing staff. Staff is scanning MacArthur Park right now to make it more
available to the public; Staff would like to scan the Dunbar Survey when it is finished.
The consultant is required to survey to the AHPP standards. Boyd Maher is worried
that his Staff may be reluctant to review it for national register eligibility unless the
original is in their archives. Staff is confident that the ownership issue can be worked
out. A discussion was held about the national standards about slide issues and not
using digital images.
A discussion was held concerning the timeline of the Dunbar Survey and a discussion
was had about writing a letter (individually or by the commission as a whole) to the City
Manager about the timeline. The commissioners are asking for an update. A motion
was made by Commissioner Susan Bell to request that the City Manager attend the
next hearing to discuss the status of the project. It was seconded by Commissioner
Julie Wiedower. The motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 noes. Bob Wood
suggested that the wording be “request the city manager to appear”; it would be more
forceful. Chairman Peters said that it should be more informal and use the word invite.
A motion was made by Commissioner Susan Bell to request that additionally Andre
Bernard and Lisa Spigner should be invited the next hearing to discuss the status of the
project in relation to the CDBG funding cycles. It was seconded by Commissioner Julie
Wiedower. The motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes
C: MacArthur Park Group Master Plan for MacArthur Park
Commissioner Julie Wiedower commented on the conflict of the MacArthur Park design
meetings with the HDC meetings. She expressed concern that the HDC meetings are
rushed to accommodate their schedule. It was stated that this was anticipated to be the
last meeting of the series. Brian Minyard has requested of Sharon Priest and Truman
Tollfree that the Conway Schulte group make a presentation to the Historic District
Commission concerning the plan.
Chairmen Peters asked what happens if a department of the city executes work in the
MacArthur Park district without a COA. Ms. Weldon stated that it would be an
enforcement issue. Chairmen Peters expressed his concern over the approval of the
Conway Schulte plan without HDC approval. Commissioner Wiedower asked about the
construction of structures or implementation of the plan. Debra Weldon stated that
before implementation of any part of the plan occurs, the City of Little Rock would be
required to obtain a COA from the HDC; i.e.: Korean Memorial. The Police Substation
was also mentioned.
A discussion was held about appeals to the HDC going to court instead of the Board of
D: Work Plan
Commissioner Wiedower complimented Staff on the format of the work plan. She
continued that if the commission were going to adjourn in time, there would not be any
discussion on the work plan tonight.
On page 6 and 7, on the vinyl windows, she asked about the terminology of clad
windows and vinyl windows. After the discussion, the Suggested Text of Policy Section
on page 7 stands with no changes. Boyd Maher, AHPP, discussed the cons of using
vinyl windows.
E: Citizen Communication:
VI. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn. The meeting ended at 5:48 p.m.
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Chair Date
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Secretary/Staff Date