HDC_10 13 20081
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Monday, October 13 2008, 5:00 p.m.
Sister Cities’ Conference Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Marshall Peters
Julie Wiedower
Susan Bell
Bob Wood
Members Absent: Randy Ripley
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Eve Gieringer
Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Tonya Robinson Fisher
John Fisher
II. Approval of Minutes
a. August 18, 2008
b. September 8, 2008
A motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes of August
18, 2008 as submitted. Commissioner Bob Wood seconded and the minutes were
approved with a vote of 4 ayes and 1 absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bob Wood to approve the minutes of September
8, 2008 as amended. Commissioner Susan Bell seconded and the minutes were
approved with a vote of 4 ayes and 1 absent.
DATE: October 13, 2008
APPLICANT: Tonya Robinson-Fisher
ADDRESS: 501 E 7th Street
REQUEST: Install storm windows
The subject property is located at 501 E 7th Street.
The property’s legal description is the “North 100
feet of lot 1 block 4 Johnson’s addition to the City of
Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
The house at 501 East 7th Street was built in the
1960s and it is a non-contributing structure,
according to the 1988 survey. The 1978 survey lists
it as a vernacular cottage.
This application is to “Install storm windows.” The
storm windows are custom built and have a white
metal frame, full screens, and two movable panes of
On April 7, 2005, a letter was sent to the applicant concerning a new gate on the
property. A COA was needed, but it was never filed.
On July 9, 2007, a COA was issued for the replacement of columns on the front porch,
installing a privacy fence in the rear yard and painting the brick structure. The paint ing
of the brick structure and the front porch column portion of the application were due to
an enforcement issue.
On August 11, 2008, a COA was issued for the satellite dish, ceiling fan and iron fence.
The exterior lights and window replacements were n ot approved at that hearing.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Project
Storm Windows: The guidelines state on page 52:
Screen and storm windows should be wood or baked-on enamel or
anodized aluminum in dark colors and fit within the window frames, not
overlap the frames. Screens
should be full-view. Storm
windows may also be mounted
on the inside of windows. Half
screen and screen or storm
windows smaller than original
window, are not recommended.
The proposed storm windows comply
with the guidelines with the exception
of the dark color of the frames. The
brick of the house was painted in 2007.
Before that, the house was red brick.
At both times, the trim of the windows
was a white or off white. The 1978 and the 1988 photos show a light color trim on the
house. Therefore, the white color storm windows would be the less obtrusive of the
colors available for the finish of the storm windows.
The applicant has stated that she is planning to retain her security bars. The guidelines
on page 53 state that security bars should not be visible from the street. In the August
11, 2008 hearing, the applicant agreed to explore the options of making the security
bars less obtrusive. Staff feels that with the white/off white trim color, the white wood
windows and the white storm windows, the security bars would be the less obtrusive if
they were painted white. They would be the least visible from the street while providing
security. It is yet to be seen if with the new storm windows will fit between the existing
windows and the storms.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there
were no comments regarding this application.
Storm Windows: Approval with the following conditions:
a) Obtaining a building permit within 90 days of obtaining approval.
b) Project to be completed within 180 days of obtaining permit.
COMMISSION ACTION: October 13, 2008
Eve Gieringer, Staff, made a presentation for the item. All legal notices were mailed by
Front elevation of house.
Tonya Robinson Fisher, the applicant, did not make a presentation of the item at this
Chairman Marshall Peters asked what if the bars do not fit back in the windows after the
storm windows are installed. Mr. John Fisher responded that if they do not fit, they will
be taken down and he had no problem removing them if they did not fit.
Commissioner Susan Bell brought in photos today of security bars that had been
painted white and how they were not a s visible as the black painted ones. The
commissioners looked at the photos and the applicants did. Commissioner Julie
Wiedower noted that it was with white windows coverings. Commissioner Wiedower
asked that they strongly consider painting the security bars white the next time they
painted them. She continued that she appreciated the applicant’s willingness to
consider storm windows versus the other windows that were proposed earlier.
Commissioner Wiedower made a motion to approve the application with Staff
recommendations. Commissioner Susan Bell seconded and the motion passed with a
vote of 4 ayes and 1 absent.
DATE: October 13, 2008
APPLICANT: Tonya Robinson-Fisher
ADDRESS: 501 E 7th Street
REQUEST: Install exterior lighting
The subject property is located at 501 E 7th Street.
The property’s legal description is the “North 100
feet of lot 1 block 4 Johnson’s addition to the City of
Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
The house at 501 East 7th Street was built in the
1960s and it is a non-contributing structure,
according to the 1988 survey. The 1978 survey lists
it as a vernacular cottage.
This application is to “Install exterior lighting.” The
exterior lights are an “outdoor wall lantern” with four
sides of glass, and squarish in design. Th is
application is a result of an enforcement item.
On April 7, 2005, a letter was sent to the applicant concerning a new gate on the
property. A COA was needed, but it was never filed.
On July 9, 2007, a COA was issued for the replacement of columns on the front porch,
installing a privacy fence in the rear yard and painting the brick structure. The painting
of the brick structure and the front porch column portion of the application were due to
an enforcement issue.
On August 11, 2008, a COA was issued for the satellite dish, ceiling fan and iron fence.
The exterior lights and window replacements were not approved at that hearing.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Project
Exterior Lighting: The guidelines state on page 68:
1. Lighting attached to a building
Original lights should be preserved. If fixtures are added, they should be
from the period of the structure, or if new, simple in design, based on
traditional designs of the early twentieth century. They should be mounted
on porch ceilings or on the exterior wall adjacent to the primary entrance.
Fixtures to avoid are carriage lamps or any fixtures evocative of a period
earlier than the building.
3. Security lighting
These lights such as floodlights
should intrude as little as possible
on the integrity of the
neighborhood. They should be
mounted on secondary and rear
facades. Shields should focus the
light down, not at neighboring
Two lights have been placed on the front
of the house, one on the east, and one
on the west side. The picture to the right
is the east side of the house showing the
new light fixture. A matching fixture is on the west side of the house in the same
relative location. The lights are not on the exterior wall adjacent to the primary entrance
as the guidelines suggest - that placement
would have been between the door and the
closest window. These fixtures, while not
apparent as a historic reproduction, do invoke a
period earlier than the mid twentieth century.
The guidelines are written to the bulk of the
historic properties in the district, which are late
19th and early 20th century structures. This
structure is one of two ranch houses from the
mid 1950’s that are in the district. Therefore,
placing lights of an early twentieth century
design would not be appropriate for this house.
If these lights are functioning as security lights,
they should have been placed on the secondary
facades of the house and not focus light on
adjoining property as the guidelines state.
Close-up of east light fixture on May 20,
Proposed light fixture
Houses of this period often have/had lights on posts mounted in the front yard near the
sidewalk to the front door an/or near the driveway. These lights we re often gaslights
that were converted to electric lights later. A post mounted light in the front yard with a
painted metal squarish lantern would be appropriate to provide security lighting.
The applicant has proposed new lights for the front façade of the house. The proposed
lights are “squarish” in design with a total height of 17.5 inches and width of 8.75 inches.
They are a black powder coat finish on cast aluminum. The lights are appropriate for
the period of the house, however the placement is still not. This style of light could be
placed on a post in the front yard. Staff would be supportive of a non -descript white or
off white two-bulb fixture mounted under the soffit of the house on each corner for
security lighting. It could have the option of motion activated or a simple switch to turn
them on when needed. This lighting would be the most unobtrusive option to provide
security lighting for the property.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there
were no comments regarding this application.
COMMISSION ACTION: October 13, 2008
Eve Gieringer, Staff, made a presentation for t he item of the enforcement item for
exterior lighting. She stated the Staff recommendation as stated above.
Chairman Marshall Peters asked if the placement was the main issue with Staff and
asked if they could be put on the soffit or fascia. Ms. Gieringer stated that the lights as
installed would not work placed on the soffit or fascia. She referred him to the security
lights as shown on page three of the Staff report.
Commissioner Bob Wood asked if this was a non -contributing structure. Staff
commented that it was non-contributing. He asked if it was Staff’s contention that a
ranch style home of the 1950’s must have lighting of that period. Staff commented yes.
The conversation continued that the Commission was to review the application and
figure out which one more in keeping with the neighborhood. Discussion continued on
Suggested fixture without motion sensor device Suggested fixture with motion sensor device
reviewing non-contributing structures and matters of taste. Mr. Minyard explained that
the Commission was not the “pretty police,” or if they “like something or not”; They are
to review items for their appropriateness. He referenced the Secretary of Interior
standards of “evoking and earlier period of time.” Placement is the issue on this item
stated Mr. Minyard.
Commissioner Julie Wiedower stated that she was not supportive of the lights. She
referenced 1950’s houses and said that there were no examples of this location for
lights in various in neighborhoods of this age. Ms. Robinson Fisher said that she
understood the point that was made but has seen lights on the edge of buildings.
Chairman Peters stated that when the commission looks at newer structures in the
district, even though they are not contributing at that point, and they will be eventually.
Do you want anything to happen to the structures, or do you want them to look as they
did originally, to represent the time period of their construction so that they can become
a contributing structure later.
Ms. Robinson Fisher said that there was not much more to her application. She
preferred to keep the lights at that location and was open to change the style of the
lights. She continued that she thought the security lights were downright ugly and
thinks that they are obtrusive and glaring into the neighbor’s property.
She said that wanted a streetlight on her side of the street. The older lights had rotted
the wood fascia board and having them installed was expensive. She was willing to
change the style of the lights.
Commissioner Wiedower asked if Staff could get her a streetlight. Staff responded that
they could put her in touch with a person to discuss it with her.
Ms. Robinson Fisher asked the commission to understand where she is coming from on
this issue. She commented that she had spent time and energy trying to find a solution
to the problem and restated the fact of drug use in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Wood applauded the applicant for trying to improve her house and
thought her changes had improved the neighborhood. He addressed the drug issues in
her neighborhood.
Commissioner Wood made a motion to approve the application for the lights as
submitted. After a discussion on the failure to provide a second, Commissioner
Wiedower seconded the application after clarifying that if she seconded the motion, it
would not require her to vote for the app lication. The motion failed with 1 aye, 3 noes
and 1 absent.
Commissioner Wiedower thanked the applicants for participating in the process and
stated that she was sympathetic to the concerns of safety. She stated that the
suggested lights were not intended to be attractive, but functional. If the applicant is not
interested in those, she suggested to the applicant to work with Staff on considering the
placement of a post in the front yard with a light on it or a streetlight.
Ms. Robinson Fisher asked if she wanted to place a light on a pole, would she have to
come before the commission again. Chairman Peters stated that that was correct. He
continued that putting the security lights back up would be a maintenance issue and
would not require a COA. Mr. Minyard stated that if she put the security lights back up
on the fascia or soffit, it would be considered a maintenance item if installed where they
were originally. It could be wired with or without a motion detector and Staff would sign
off on it because it was a maintenance item. The lights that are there now will have to
come down since they have been denied. Staff has taken the position of
recommending the security lights in regards to her safety. The light fixtures were the
least obtrusive to get lights in the area in a repair maintenance situation. The applicant
may come back to ask for different lights later. In the short term, the applicant will need
to change the fixtures out.
Commissioner Wiedower asked if she came back with an applicati on to install a light on
a post in the front yard, would it require a COA. Staff responded yes. Debra Weldon
agreed. Chairman Peters asked if the Staff could pay for the mailings if they came back
for that post light. Mr. Minyard stated that one of the issues would be the accuracy of
the list. He did not commit to mailing the notices.
Mr. Minyard thanked Commissioner Wiedower for explaining her no vote. Chairman
Peters agreed with Staff on placement of the lights.
There was a small recess after this item.
III. Other Matters
Commissioner Julie Wiedower noted that in the minutes of September 8, 2008, there
was a notation of creating a baseline list of the air conditioners and security bars on
houses in the district. Mr. Minyard stated that he was in posse ssion of the MacArthur
Park Survey in his possession. He continued that they would copy the survey and
discussions were to scan or just copy. The State is the official owner of the surveys that
have paid with CLG money. Commissioner Wiedower asked who would own the
Dunbar Survey since it was done with CDBG money. Mr. Minyard said he would check
on that. The contract states that they must comply with AHPP regulations but the
ownership is under question. Chairman Marshall Peters asked it to be scanned t o a
disc instead of just a copy. Commissioner Wiedower commented that she was
concerned that a citizen could be able to get copies if they wished. Mr. Minyard asked
how the commission felt if the ownership of the survey went elsewhere other than a city
department or the AHPP office. Chairman Peters responded he did not care who
owned it, as long as the HDC has full and complete back up of the originals. Chairman
Peters asked that AHPP have a copy or the original. Commissioner Wiedower asked
that copies of all the surveys be housed in the Butler Center. The Commission asked
the AHPP to copy all of the surveys to be housed in the Butler Center. It was
encouraged to write a letter to that effect.
A discussion ensued on time conditions on COA’s, in parti cular, the vacant lot on Rock
Street by Answerfone. Mr. Minyard asked of Ms. Weldon if the time condition ran out,
would the applicant have to reappear before the commission before proceeding with
work if there was no changes. She stated that the commission would have to give
permission to Staff to do that. Chairman Peters asked if a motion could be made to give
permission to Staff to do so under dire circumstances. Ms. Weldon asked who
determined “dire circumstances”? Chairman Peters said he had enough faith in Staff to
do that. Mr. Minyard stated that Staff would be changing the motion if the Staff changed
the time condition. Ms Weldon said that she would look into it and was not sure that
Staff could do that. Chairman Peters said that some applicat ions needed a time
restraint where others did not. Eve Gieringer stated that with the opposition to the
house on Rock Street, the neighbors are counting on the time constraint and could feel
betrayed by Staff If it was extended without their notification. The applicant should be
involved with the time condition and agree to such in the meeting. Commissioner Bob
Wood asked that the Commission be consistent in applying time conditions. Ms.
Weldon stated that different scales of projects would require different time limits.
a Enforcement issues
The closed files have not been printed on this permits. #13, Tonya Robinson Fisher,
should be closed after her lights are removed. A discussion occurred on what was
approved earlier and what was considered tonight. Commissioner Julie Wiedower
asked about the nature of 524 East 6th Street. Staff responded that it was sidelights
that are being restored.
504 E 6th Street, Caroline apartments: Staff asked for guidance on this matter. One of
the new owners stated that the cornerstone was there when he purchased it. The
discussion ensued about whether it could be enforced upon when none of the current
four owners installed it and the person responsible for installation was no longer an
owner. Chairman Peters stated that he was not for a cornerstone being put on a
building simply because the redeveloped it, but he is not sure he wants to make issue at
this point. Commissioner Wiedower is unsure that the Commission can go back on a
previous owner for a COA. Commissioner Bob Wood stated that the Tirado’s cam
before the commission for a COA that did not include a cornerstone. Commissioner
Wood thinks that she is responsible. Commissioner Wiedower asked about the time
frame, and if it has been that long, she would not say to go forward. Ms. Weldon was
not sure that you could proceed with enforcement with the change in property owners.
She will look into this issue. Staff will look into it and see if a permit was taken. More
information will be obtained and continue this conversation next month.
b Preservation Plan Update
Staff continues to work on this project and will continue to update the Commission on
upcoming meeting and progress.
c Work Plan
Mr. Minyard stated that the previous items are still in the package. The Commissioners
should review the “Commission Discussion and Action Synopsis” section to see if they
Chairman Peters stated that the first Commission decided not to regulate color. Ms.
Weldon stated that in her seven years, the commission has no t done so even though it
is in the statutory language. Commissioner Wood said that it troubled him that the
Commission did not do it and the Commission picked and chose which parts of the law
to enforce. A discussion ensued on paint color and “taste” of colors. Commissioner
Wood stated that he would support the Commission regulating paint color.
Commissioner Wiedower asked to ask other commissions about their paint color.
Mr. Minyard reviewed the previous items and how the formatting will work. Ms. We ldon
will check into the FCC regulations concerning placement of dishes.
Mr. Minyard directed the Commissioners to review the suggested text on vinyl windows
as shown in the package. A discussion of the definitions and suggested text was held.
Commissioner Wood stated that clad windows did not exist when the houses were built.
Commissioner Peters asked if the statement could be made to preserve windows that
are there and replace if needed with solid wood windows. Ms. Gieringer read the
section on windows on page 52 of the guidelines to the commission that addressed the
issue. Chairman Peters asked that the work discouraged be used in reference to vinyl
window replacements. Mr. Minyard stated that the proposed language said “not
appropriate.” Ms. Gieringer suggested both not appropriate and discouraged.
Commissioner Wiedower did not support “discourage” and supported the proposed Staff