HDC_02 11 2008DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LITTLE ROCK ,� HISTORIC it DISTRICT ;� COMMISSION 723 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334 Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435 LITTLE ROCK HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, February 11, 2008, 5:00 p.m. Sister Cities' Conference Room, City Hall I.Roll Call Quorum was present being five (5) in number. Members Present: Marshall Peters Wesley Walls Kay Tatum Susan Bell Julie Wiedower Members Absent: City Attorney: Staff Present: Citizens Present: II.Approval of Minutes None Debra Weldon Brian Minyard Eve Gieringer none A motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes of December 10, 2007 as presented and was seconded by Commissioner Susan Bell. The motion was approved with a vote of 3 ayes, 0 noes and 2 recusals. (Commissioner Kay Tatum and Commissioner Wesley Walls recused since they were absent for that hearing.) Ill. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness IV.Certificates of Appropriateness V. Other Matters a. The enforcement issue spreadsheet was discussed. An enforcement issue was noted at the Answerfone building (storm damage) and at 420 East 9th Street. Staff noted that they would check into them. b. Meeting Protocol and Making Motions. Copies were distributed and the commissioners read it. Citizen Communication was discussed and a time limit of three minutes were stated. A discussion was also had about the Chair clarifying the time limits before starting the meeting. The protocol sheet was to be edited to add 17A to have "Citizen Communication." Add "Other Matters" to 17A also. It was noted to keep a clock or timer for the speakers. On making motions, it was stated that he person making motions, should restate the motion. Staff will check on acquiring a timer for the citizen communications section. c. RFQ for Preservation Plan. It was posted on the web and will close on February 22nd. Additional notification was sent to about a dozen firms. A copy of the Fort Worth TX preservation Plan and an APA report was offered to the commission. d. Postcards. Addresses need to be checked before the postcards will be sent out. Commissioner Wiedower asked that "Do Not Forward" on the front of the card. Staff will check with the Postal Service on this issue. e. Dunbar RFQ for Survey. The RFQ closed on February 1 st. There were several submittals on the survey. Mr. Minyard explained that the state has not required a DOE Determination of Eligibility. He continued that he and five State employees drove the neighborhood the week before. The consensus of the group was that the area from Roosevelt to 17th was the strongest area for contributing structures. The next strongest area was from 11th to 17th. If combined from 11th to Roosevelt, it would still be a strong district. The State suggested not even to survey north of 11th. Mr. Minyard stated that it was the City Managers intention to survey the entire area. Commissioner Susan Bell stated that a DOE had been filed on the area already. f. Citizen Communication — None. VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Attest: Chair Secretary /Staff 2 y-- 1 4 -4� Date U-+0 Date