CBC_05 05 2016 The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 05, 2016, at Curran Hall, 615 E. Capitol Avenue. Chairman Ed Peek called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Peek Janet Wilson Steve Homeyer Bob Winchester Chris Hancock Carrie Young Wally Loveless Becka Webb Chris Morgan MEMBERS ABSENT: Jordan Thomas One Open Position ALSO PRESENT: Beth Carpenter, City Attorney’s Office D. Tracy Spillman, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock APPROVAL OF THE MAY MINUTES: Chairman Peek entertained a motion that the Minutes from the previous month be approved. Motion: Commissioner Winchester made a motion that the April 07, 2016 Minutes be approved. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Variance Request: CBC Case # 649, Little Rock Tech Park Chairman Peek requested to recuse from CBC Case #649 due to a conflict of interest. FINDINGS: The UU (Urban Use District) zoned property at 114 E. Capitol Avenue is currently occupied by a three story, 20,952 square foot vacant building. The structure is positioned on the western half of the property located at the southwest corner of E. Capitol Avenue and Scott Street. The overall property is bordered by alleys on the north and west sides and an existing surface parking lot to the east. The surrounding properties include Phase 1 of the Little Rock Tech Park to the west across the alley which fronts onto Main Street and the KATV building and parking deck to the north on the corner of E. 4th Street and Scott Street. The applicant proposes to raze the existing three story building and provide a temporary parking area that will be constructed as a continuation of the existing surface parking to the west. This proposed parking area will be paved with asphalt and provide nineteen (19) new parking spaces within the removed building footprint. The existing parking area will be restriped an additional nine (9) parking spaces will be provided. The combined totals of the new and existing lots will be sixty-two (62) parking spaces. As part of the UU requirements parking is not required and buildings must be oriented to the street. In addition parking structures shall be required to have active uses other than parking (such as office, light retail, personal services, and entertainment) or a building facade constructed to meet the standards of the UU District along th e first floor. The applicant has stated that the proposed parking area will be temporary and Phase 3 of the Tech Park development will include an eight (800) hundred car parking garage which will include first floor retail/restaurant/office and will be constructed on the entirety of the site consisting of the existing and proposed surface parking. After the demolition of the existing building and in conjunction with the first stage of the Phase 3 improvement the applicant is requesting a variance to eliminate the interior and perimeter landscape requirements for the temporary parking lot. This new parking area will encompass approximately 7,250 square feet. Eight (8) percent or five hundred and eighty (580) square feet of greenspace would typically be required to be distributed throughout the vehicular use area. Also, two (2) trees would be required for the nineteen (19) parking spaces located within this new expansion. Perimeter planting strips are not required adjacent to the alleys on the north and west sides of the property or adjacent to the existing parking to the east. However, approximately f ifty (50) linear feet of perimeter landscape area would be required adjacent to the E. Capitol Avenue right-of-way. This street buffer would be required to be a minimum of six (6) feet nine (9) inches in width and would require two (2) trees and seventeen (17) screening shrubs. No existing plant materials are being removed from the site. In addition the requested variance would allow the elimination of the four (4) trees, seventeen (17) shrubs, and approximately nine hundred and twenty (920) square feet of greenspace that would normally be prescribed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Due to the temporary nature of this project, the context of the existing parking area to the east, and the proposal of a future parking garage that will be required to meet the UU district specifications, Staff is supportive of the variance to eliminate the landscape requirements for this small development. Presentation: Mr. Brent Birch, Executive Director for the Little Rock Tech Park explained the existing conditions of the site and noted that the building located on the site was currently being demolished. He also stated that it was the desire of the Tech Park not to invest money in landscape that will be removed in future phases of the development. He further went on to explain the future phases of the Tech Park and what is trying to be accomplished with the development. Commissioner Loveless inquired about the existing and proposed parking. Mr. Birch explained this using the parking plan provided to the commissioners and noted the street trees outside of the property line would remain. Commissioner Homeyer referenced a letter that was sent to the CBC by Christ Episcopal Church which neighbors the proposed parking and inquired when the additional phases of the project will be complete. Mr. Birch stated that they didn’t have any hard deadlines for the development and much of the schedule depended on funding. Commissioner Young inquired about funding and discussed the potential parking problems that could evolve with this development. Mr. Birch explained how the funding is solicited and the government and private entities involved. Commissioner Loveless inquired about the cost of Phase1 and Phase 2. Mr. Birch stated that Phase 1 will cost 22 million dollars and Phase 2 will cost roughly 34 million dollars. Commissioner Winchester inquired about the cost savings for the project if the requested landscape variance is accepted. Mr. Birch stated that he did not have an estimate of what the landscape required for this project would total. Commissioner Homeyer inquired if the parking deck would generate revenue. Mr. Birch stated that the parking deck as well as the parking lot would produce income. Commissioner Young inquired about the KATV building and existing parking deck. Mr. Birch stated that the Tech Park is in negotiations to acquire the KATV property and will remove the existing deck and provide a new parking deck that will cover east side of the property between E. Capitol and E. 4th Street. Commissioner Winchester inquired of Staff if the proposed deck would require landscape. Staff member Spillman explained that the deck would need to meet the UU standards and street trees would be required. CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION ACTION: Vice Chairman Homeyer entertained a motion that the variance be approved as requested. Motion: Commissioner Winchester made a motion that the variance be approved. Second: Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of six (6) ayes, (2) abstain, (1) no, and one (1) absent. TREASURER’S REPORT: Expense Report: In the absence of Commissioner Thomas no report was delivered. Commissioner Loveless presented the last bank statement and noted that there is $778.19 in the account. Commissioner Homeyer stated that he has not yet been reimbursed for the gift certificate presented to CBC retreat facilitator, Julie Robins. COMMITTEE REPORTS: UPDATES: Community Projects City Hall South Yard: Commissioner Homeyer stated that Commissioner Thomas is to provide a plant list of the proposed materials for the purpose of soliciting donations. It was also stated that this list has not yet been provided. Public Relations Website: Commissioner Hancock stated: That he had published the Eye of the Beholder nomination form on Facebook. Also, that a link to the form can be copied and emailed. That the City Beautiful Facebook page is still trending upward and has approximately four hundred and thirty (430) “Likes”. KLRB: In the absence of Commissioner Thomas no report was delivered. Adopt-A-Street: Commissioner Loveless proposed that the next cleanup be on May 21st. Eye of the Beholder: Commissioner Young stated: That Commissioner Loveless has made four nominations, certificates have been mailed out, and that the signs need to be placed in the recipient’s yards. Commissioner Young also requested that she be allowed to spend up to $100.00 for additional certificate stationary. Motion: Commissioner Homeyer made a motion that Commissioner Young be allowed to spend up to $100.00 for certificate stationary. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Landscape Awards: Commissioner Homeyer stated: There is nothing new to report. T.R.E.E Fund: Commissioner Homeyer stated That there has been no change. Commissioner Loveless stated that he had received an email from Commissioner Thomas concerning the possible Bowman Road T.R.E.E. Fund project. This letter stated that the initial bids for trees exceeded the allotted funds for this T.R.E.E. Fund area by $750.00. City Beautiful Exhibit: Commissioner Loveless stated: That he is still logging items for the exhibit. Other Cities Committee: Commissioner Morgan stated: He did not have a report to present. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Loveless opened a discussion concerning the widening of Rodney Parham Road between Hinson and Cantrell. The commissioners discussed the different pros and cons of this project. ANOUNCEMENTS:  The next meeting will be, June 02, at 11:30 am.  Adopt-A-Street Pickup has been tentatively set for May 21, 2016. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Peek entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion: Commissioner Winchester made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Loveless seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 pm. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864 FAX: 501 371-6863 E-MAIL: DSPILLMAN@LITTLEROCK.ORG