CBC_07 06 2017 The City Beautiful Commission held its regular meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 06, 2017, at Curran Hall, 615 E. Capitol Avenue. Chairman, BJ Sanders-Woods called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT: BJ Sanders-Woods Wally Loveless Steve Homeyer Ed Peek Bobby Cushman Bob Winchester Chris Hancock Carrie Young Melissa Henshaw MEMBERS ABSENT: Starre Haas Janet Wilson ALSO PRESENT: Beth Carpenter, City Attorney’s Office D. Tracy Spillman, Plans Development Administrator, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock Dana Carney, Zoning and Subdivision Manager, Department of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock Tony Bozynski, Former Director of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock, Retired Jamie Collins, Director of Planning and Development, City of Little Rock Former Planning and Development Director, Mr. Tony Bozynski introduced Newly Appointed Planning and Development Director, Mr. Jamie Collins. Mr. Bozynski noted Mr. Collins experience in the fields of planning and engineering and also thanked the commissioners for their service. Mr. Collins briefly expanded on his experience and expressed his enthusiasm for his newly appointed position. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE MINUTES: Chairman Sanders-Woods entertained a motion to approve the previous months minutes. Motion: Commissioner Winchester made a motion that the June 01, 2017 Minutes be approved. Second: Commissioner Young seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Variance Request: CBC Case # 656, McDonald’s, 10201 N Rodney Parham Rd FINDINGS: The C-3 zoned property at 10201 N Rodney Parham Rd is currently occupied by a one-story McDonald’s restaurant building located within the north central portion of the property. Lot 1, Block 8 of the Breckenridge Business Addition is comprised of .857 acres and is located in the northeast portion of the Breckenridge Village development on the corner of North Rodney Parham Road and Breckenridge Drive. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing structure and construct a new McDonald’s restaurant with drive-thru service in a similar footprint as the existing building. Restaurants require one parking space for every 100 square feet of gross floor area. The new 4,480 square foot building will be located near the center of the site and would require forty-five (45) parking spaces. The proposed site plan indicates forty (40) parking bays and stacking space for approximately thirteen (13) additional cars. There is also existing parking located in close proximity to the development adjacent to the southwest perimeter of the property. Staff feels that proposed parking and stacking spaces will be adequate. The renovated vehicular use area will consist of a drive aisle northeast of the building and 45 degree parking adjacent to the northwest side of the structure. In addition 45 degree parking will be provided on the northwest, southeast, and southwest perimeters of the complex in a similar arrangement as the existing parking. The building entrance will be located on the northwest side of the structure and two (2) drive-thru order boards will be located at the northeast end of the building with pick-up windows on the southeast side. There is an existing two way drive on N. Rodney Parham located on northern corner of the site and two separate existing drives located on Breckenridge Drive. The Rodney Parham and the south Breckenridge site entry/exists will remain intact while the northern Breckenridge site entrance will be removed and replaced with landscape. In order to provide the required parking stall depth and maneuvering area, the minimum required landscape perimeters are deficient. The applicant is requesting that the required perimeter planting strips located on the northwest, southeast, and southwest side of the property be less than the required nine (9) foot minimum. The proposed site plan provides a five (5) foot wide landscape perimeter along the northwest property line which is adjacent to an existing ten (10) landscape strip including mature trees on the neighboring property. The southeast perimeter planting strip is indicated to be mostly six (6) feet in width with the exception of this narrowing to a two (2) foot landscape area at the northern end the property to allow for an additional parking space. The southwest perimeter is shown to be six (6) feet in width and narrowing to five (5) feet at the dumpster enclosure. This perimeter is also adjacent to an existing five (5) foot landscape strip with mature trees on the bordering parcel. The applicant has indicated on the landscape plan that all plant material required for the perimeter landscape strips will be installed in the planting areas provided between the property lines and the back of the curb. Additionally, all other all other landscape requirements will meet or exceed the minimum requirements before a building permit is issued for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is supportive of the request to allow a reduction in the widths of the perimeter landscape strips as purposed with the condition that all of the plant material as shown on the landscape plan will be installed in accordance with the landscape code. Presentation: Mr. William “Bear” Pernell from the McDonald’s Corporation introduced himself and inquired if the commissioners had any additional questions that were not addressed in the findings. Commissioner Winchester inquired if the forty-five degree parking was a standard parking configuration recognized by the City code. Staff Member Spillman explained that this is allowable by code and the reasons why a developer may choose to configure the parking in this manner. Commissioner Peek inquired if all the required landscape perimeters were being decreased. Staff Member Spillman explained that the developer was decreasing three of the perimeters while the Rodney Parham street buffer would meet the code requirements. It was also noted that all of the required plant material would be installed despite the reduction of the landscape perimeters. A residential neighbor of the property was present at the meeting and stated that he was in attendance to learn more about the development. He expressed that he and his neighbors were concerned about the aesthetics of the project and the amount of “soft” elements that would be included. Staff Member Spillman explained the proposed landscape. Commissioner Henshaw inquired why the building could not be smaller to accommodate the perimeter requirements. Mr. Pernell explained this was a standard size and smallest building that the McDonald’s Corporation provides. Mr. Pernell also noted that McDonald’s is upgrading their buildings nationwide. Commissioner Henshaw also inquired about the procedures to insure that property owners maintain their landscapes. Staff Member Carney explained that records and plans are kept for new developments. Mr. Carney further explained if complaints are received the exiting landscape can be compared to the approved plans for compliance and addressed accordingly. It was also noted that records are not always available on older projects. Due to conflict of interest Chairman Sanders-Woods recused. Vice Chairman Homeyer entertained a motion to approve the variance as proposed. Motion: Commissioner Peek made a motion that the variance be approved as proposed. Second: Commissioner Cushman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT: Expense Report: Commissioner Young provided a signature card obtained from the Little Rock City Treasury. Commissioner Young requested that Chairman Sanders-Woods and Commissioner Peek endorse this card and be added as signatories for the CBC account. Chairman Sanders-Woods and Commissioner Peek complied. Commissioner Young also stated that the interest for the CBC banking account for the year to date is $1.60 and the new balance is $557.41. COMMITTEE REPORTS, UPDATES: Community Projects City Hall South Yard: Commissioner Homeyer stated that this project is still on hold. Public Relations Commissioner Hancock stated that the CBC Facebook page has received 512 “Likes”. That the Landscape Award form has been shared (on Facebook) and KLRB, City of Little Rock, and the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce have been “tagged” in these posts. Commissioner Hancock also encouraged the Commissioners to share the CBC Facebook on their personal Facebook pages. KLRB: Commissioner Henshaw stated that she had attended last week’s KLRB meeting. It was noted that sixteen (16) new groups have been added to the Adopt-A-Street program for a total of 212 groups and 157 miles of streets in the program. It was also noted that the Great Arkansas River Cleanup will be September 9 and KLRB will not meet in July or August. Commissioner Loveless requested an update on the living walls that were discussed at last month’s meeting. Commissioner Henshaw stated that the KLRB Beautification Committee has focused on the Main Street parking deck and its walls that were designed to be vertical gardens. Adopt-A-Street: Commissioner Loveless proposed that the next scheduled cleanup be moved from Saturday July 15 to Saturday July 22. The commissioners agreed to this change. Eye of the Beholder: Commissioner Young stated that she has nominated five landscapes this month. Staff Member Spillman stated that two of these nominees have called and accepted the award. Commissioner Hancock nominated a neighbor in close proximity of his home and secured an award sign from Commissioner Homeyer. Commissioner Hancock stated he would forward the name and address of this nominee to Staff Member Spillman. Landscape Awards: Commissioner Homeyer stated that the Landscape Awards are open through the end of August. Commissioner Young nominated the Covenant Cove Community entry road, sign and model home located at 2700 Romine Rd. T.R.E.E Fund: Commissioner Homeyer stated after a follow up discussion with Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Mark Webre he was informed that this project would be put on hold until the fall of this year. Mr. Webre’s reason for the delay was that he feels the trees would have a better rate of survival if installed in the cooler months when water requirements would be lower. Commissioner Hancock stated that he had a discussion with the Capital View and Stiff Station Neighborhood Association. The topic of a City owned property historically used as a city park located within the boundaries of this neighborhood was addressed. It was noted that there is a lack of shade trees on this parcel. The Commissioner suggested this may be a property where T.R.E.E. Funds could allotted for this section could be used on this property. Commissioner Hancock stated that he would investigate further. City Beautiful Exhibit: Commissioner Hancock stated there is nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. ANOUNCEMENTS:  The next meeting will be Thursday, August 06, 2017, at 11:30 am.  Adopt-A-Street Pickup was tentatively set for Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 8:00 am. ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Commissioner Peek made a motion to adjourn. Second: Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:46 pm. LITTLE ROCK CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 723 WEST MARKHAM - LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72201 PHONE: 501 371-4864 FAX: 501 371-6863 E-MAIL: DSPILLMAN@LITTLEROCK.GOV