HDC_11 14 20111
Monday, November 14, 2011, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being seven (7) in number.
Members Present: Marshall Peters
Julie Wiedower
Randy Ripley
Loretta Hendrix
Chris Vanlandingham
BJ Bowen
Toni Johnson
Members Absent: none
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Ralph Wilcox
Rhea Roberts
II. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Marshall Peters read the last sentence on both pages 8 and 16 for the record. A
motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes of September 12,
2011 as submitted with corrections. Commissioner Randy Ripley seconded and the minutes
were approved with a vote of 5 ayes and 2 recusals (Bowen and Johnson).
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE: November 14, 2011
ADDRESS: vicinity of Capitol and Main Streets
COA REQUEST: Support of creation of National Register District
The subject property is located at vicinity of
Capitol and Main Streets. The property’s
description the 500 block of Main Street, 100-200
blocks of Capitol Avenue, 500 block of Center
Street and the 100-200 blocks of Sixth street.
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Programs
has set forth the “Arkansas Certified Local
Government Procedures.” In it, sections are
titled: “Introduction”, “Eligibility for participation in
the Certified Local Government Program”,
“Process for Certification of Local Governments”,
“Process for monitoring Certified local
Governments,” “Certified Local Governments
Participation in the National Register Nomination
Process”, and “Transfer of funds to Certified Local Governments.”
In Section II Eligibility for Participation in the Certified Local Government Program subsection C
Local Historic Preservation Program, II C. 2. f) states that one of the Duties of local preservation
commissions shall include:
“Reviewing all proposed National Registration nominations for properties within
the boundaries of the CLG’s jurisdiction. When a commission reviews a
nomination or other action that will impact properties which are normally
evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, at that discipline is not
represented on the commission, the commission must seek expertise in that
discipline before rendering its decision.”
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Proposed District
In Section V Certified Local Government participation in the national register nomination
process, sub section B CLG involvement in the National Register Process, the procedures state:
A. CLGs shall submit a report (available for public inspection) to the AHPP
regarding the eligibility of each property or district within its jurisdiction proposed
for nomination to the National Register.
I. The report shall include recommendations of the local preservation commission
and the chief elected official.
2. The report should concentrate on the property's eligibility under the National
Register criteria.
3. Failure to submit reports on the eligibility of properties nominated within the
jurisdiction of the CLG after the AHPP has informed the CLG of a pending
nomination will be considered during the periodic performance evaluation.
B. CLG involvement in the National Register process
I. Within 60 calendar days of receipt of the nomination, the CLG shall inform the
AHPP by submission of a report (see section V-A) as to its opinion regarding the
eligibility of the property. The CLG shall also inform the property owner(s) using
National Register criteria for evaluation, as to its opinion regarding the eligibility
of the property.
2. In the event a nomination is received by the AHPP before submission to the
CLG, the AHPP will forward a copy of the completed nomination to the CLG
within 30 calendar days of receipt.
3. If both the commission and chief elected official recommend that a property
not be nominated because it does not meet the National Register criteria for
eligibility, the CLG will so inform the property owner(s) and the State Historic.
Preservation Officer, the property will then not be nominated unless an appeal is
filed with the SHPO in accordance with appeal procedures outlined in 36 CFR
60. Appeals must be received by the SHPO within 30 calendar days of the date
the property owner receives notification by certified mail that the property has
been determined ineligible for nomination by both the CLG and the Chief elected
official. This is in accordance with Section 101[c) 2 of the NHPA.
4. If the commission or the chief elected official of the CLG recommend that a
property should be nominated, the nomination will be scheduled for submission
to the Arkansas State Review Board. Scheduling will be in accordance with
notification time constraints as set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.
5. The Arkansas State Review Board, after considering all opinions, including
those of the commission and the chief elected official of the CLG, shall make its
recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Either the local
preservation commission or the chief elected official may appeal the SHPOs final
6. When a National Register nomination, that has been reviewed by a
commission, is submitted to the National Park Service for review and listing, all
reports or comments from the local officials will be submitted along with the
7. The AHPP and the CLG will work together to provide ample opportunity for
public participation in the nomination of properties to the National register. All
reports submitted by the CLG to the AHPP regarding the eligibility of properties
shall include assurances of public input. The CLG shall retain a list of all persons
contacted during the evaluation period and note comments that were received. If
a public meeting was held, a list of those attending shall be included in the report.
PROPOSAL: The Commission will review the Support of creation of National Register District.
Detail of are to be proposed with addresses.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Nomination of the District to the National
Register of Historic Places under Criterion A and C.
COMMISSION ACTION: November 14, 2011
Brian Minyard, Staff, made a brief presentation to the Commission. It was submitted by AHPP
in the vicinity of Capitol and Main under the criteria of Historic Events and Architecture.
Ralph Wilcox, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, stated that this district was a result of a
lot of questions and inquiries for tax credits in this area. It is an intact commercial district with
14 buildings and 3 vacant lots. He continued to speak about the contributing, individually listed
and non-contributing status of the district. It has 10 contributing buildings (3 individually listed
and 7 contributing buildings) and 7 non-contributing (4 building and 3 vacant lots).
Commissioner Julie Wiedower asked about the criteria or process concerning buildings with
changes to the structures and the ground level, particularly the Arnold Building. She asked why
this building was not listed as contributing. Mr. Wilcox says the building did not reflect
commercial on the front of the building and they added an atrium in the building. Commissioner
Wiedower asked if the contributing status was based upon interior renovations. She was under
the impression that interiors were not considered. Mr. Wilcox stated that both interiors and
exteriors are considered when a building has extensive changes to it to analyze the overall
integrity of the structure.
Conversation then shifted to the Metrocentre Mall site in the 500 block of Main on the east side.
Commissioner Wiedower stated that great care was taken to preserve the Moses Melody Shop
exterior when the renovations were done to the building. Again, Mr. Wilcox stated that the
interiors could be considered when a building is deemed non-contributing. The entire half block
functions as one building, not as separate buildings. Only the façade of the building is left and
is not considered contributing. He continued that for surveying districts, only the exteriors are
surveyed. When a building is individually listed, an attempt to survey the interiors are made.
Commissioner Loretta Hendrix asked if the non-contributory buildings were eligible for tax
credits. Mr. Wilcox stated that he believed they were eligible for 10% federal tax credits instead
of the 20%. She continued and asked about notification of property owners. He stated that all
property owners were notified and that they are aware of the process and where they were in
the process. Mr. Wilcox reiterated the origins of why this particular area was being considered
for a national register district.
Commissioner Randy Ripley asked if there were regulations placed on the properties. Mr.
Wilcox stated that in a National Register District, there are no restrictions placed on changes to
the building or demolitions.
Commissioner Wiedower asked if all of the owners were notified or if they approved of the
national register nomination. Mr. Wilcox said that they were and over 50% of the owners
approved moving forward with the national register nomination. Commissioner Vanlandingham
commented on the fact that the commission was voting on an item that the commission would
have no jurisdiction over after establishment. Mr. Minyard explained the two different ways that
a local ordinance historic district is established per state law. He continued that if the property
owners wished to, that Staff would work with them to establish a local ordinance district.
Commissioner Wiedower asked if the letter said “Local Ordinance District.” Mr. Wilcox said he
did not think so.
Chairman Peters asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak on the item. No one
Commissioner Toni Johnson stated that she thought she would have to recuse on this item
since she did national register survey work for AHPP and Ralph Wilcox oversees her work.
Debra Weldon referred to the ordinance and asked her if she did work on this project and she
responded that she did not. It was determined that she did not have a financial interest in this
project and that she could vote on this item.
Commissioner Wiedower made a motion to support the nomination of the proposed district to
the National Register of Historic Places. Commissioner Ripley seconded and the motion
passed with 6 ayes and 1 no. Commissioner Vanlandingham stated he had a personal
reservation that he could not see the reason why the Arnold Building could not be a contributing
structure. He also stated that he had a bit of reservation on his part to nominate a district and
not giving the owners notice of the option of a Local Ordinance District. The owners should be
advised of that option in the future.
Name and Address of property:
Capitol and Main Street NR District, vicinity of Capitol Avenue and Main Street, Little
Rock, AR 72201
Name of Owner:
Project Sponsor:
Ralph Wilcox, National Register & Survey Coordinator, AHPP
CLG Name:
City of Little Rock, Arkansas
Date of Public Hearing by CLG:
June 13, 2011
Applicable Criteria:
____ Criterion A (Historic Events)
_____ Criterion B (Important Person)
____ Criterion C (Architecture)
_____ Criterion D (Archaeological)
The Little Rock Historic District Commission hereby supports the above stated property
for nomination.
___________________________ _________________________
Chair Date
___________________________ _________________________
Secretary/Staff Date
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
III. Other Matters
Enforcement issues
909 Cumberland was briefly discussed.
Certificates of Compliance
A spreadsheet was given to the commissioners with the COA and COC items listed since 2009.
Those mentioned were at 916 Scott Street for repainting, roofing and siding repair; Fowler
House main house for repairs on the main house for siding repair, gutter work, column work,
Dunbar Survey Update
Brian Minyard reported that the survey was underway and that all field work had been done.
The contractors have submitted the first 10 forms in October and the State have commented on
them. They are in the process of now completing the forms and submitting the drafts to the
state in the near future. Notifications of property owners were discussed as to which
department is handling the survey and which funding source is used. It was clarified that the
survey team is only doing the survey, not the nomination.
2012 Calendar
Mr. Minyard stated that the November 2012 meeting is not the second Monday because of
Veteran's Day. It has been scheduled for the first Monday instead. Commissioner Julie
Wiedower made a motion to approve the calendar as submitted. Commissioner BJ Bowen
seconded and the motion was approved with a vote of 7 ayes and 0 noes.
Demolished Houses
Commissioner Wiedower asked if the Historic District Commission was taking photos of the
houses that are to be demolished by the Housing Department. That department takes photos to
show the houses to the Board of Directors but they are not "architectural survey" type photos.
Staff does receive a list of the houses to be demolished.
Chairman Marshall Peters stated that if it was not in our district, we might not need to take that
task on. Commissioner Wiedower stated that the commission was citywide. Staff stated that he
would request photos from Housing on the demolished houses.
Commissioner Hendrix asked that they be able to rank the Preservation Plan goals and action
statements again.
Citizen Communication
There were no comments from citizens present.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55.