HDC_09 13 20101
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Monday, September 13, 2010, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Marshall Peters
Julie Wiedower
Randy Ripley
Loretta Hendrix
Chris Vanlandingham
Members Absent: none
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Walter Malone
Citizens Present: Ron Ross (CLR Parks, applicant)
Steven McAteer
Wali Caradine
Paige Wilson
George Campbell
Boyd Maher
Rhea Roberts
Tim Heiple
Chairmen Peters welcomed everyone and reviewed the process used for citizen comment on
items before the Historic District Commission.
II. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Peters asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Wiedower noted
some corrections to the minutes in the Guidelines Section pages 25 and 26, the word ‘red’
should be changed to ‘read’ on both pages. The motion statement should read, “A motion was
made by Commissioner Randy Ripley to approve the wording as submitted…”. Commissioner
Wiedower moved for the approval of the minutes for June 14, 2010 as amended, second
Commissioner Ripley. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.
III. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
DATE: September 13, 2010
APPLICANT: Ron Ross, LR Parks and Recreation
ADDRESS: 503 E 9th Street
REQUEST: Park Identification Signage
The subject property is located at 503 E 9th Street. The
property’s legal description is “That part NW lying E of
Quapaw Line W of McAlmont Street & North of E 13th
Street in Township 1N, Range 12 W Sections 2 and 11,
Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
The Arsenal building was built in the 1840’s and is a
national landmark, the highest possible recognition of a
historic building. The structure is a contributing structure
in the district.
This application is for a sign to be placed on 9th Street as
a identification sign for the park. The sign is part of the
Connections MacArthur Park Master Plan. This Plan for
the grounds of the MacArthur Park was presented to the
approved by the Parks Commission on Feb. 26, 2009.
Numerous COA’s have been approved for the park in general. The latest COA, issued on
November 9, 2009 was for the Plaza development on the front lawn.
The HDC approved sidewalks and plaza development on the front lawn of the Arsenal on
November 9, 2009. This sign is in conjunction with that development. The sign will be placed
immediately east of the north entry plaza on Ninth Street. The sign is a contemporary vertical
sign that will identify the park for motorist along 9th street. It is 24 feet tall. A black supporting
pole supports the red panel that will have fabricated aluminum cut out letters attached to it.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Project
The black supporting pole is 12 inches by 24 inches
and continues almost to the top of the sign. The
red notation sign panel is 20 inches thick by 3 feet
deep by 16 feet tall. The long axis of the supporting
pole and the red panel will be perpendicular to the
street. There will be text on both sides of the sign
so that it is readable from the east and the west.
Lighting of the sign will be from ground-mounted
fixtures with the smallest wattage and fixtures
possible to provide illumination of the sign.
The Secretary of interior’s Standards for
Rehabilitation #3 states: Each property will be
recognized as a physical record of its time, place,
and use. Changes that create a false sense of
historical development, such as adding conjectural
features or elements from other historic properties,
will not be undertaken. For this application, Staff
interprets this as not adding faux Federal style
signage to the park to match the Federal style
building of the Arsenal.
This sign is contemporary (of today’s design) and
will not be interpreted as a faux historic sign.
At the time of distribution, there were no comments
regarding this application.
following conditions:
1. Obtaining a building permit.
2. Submittal of final construction drawings
to Staff before construction.
COMMISSION ACTION: September 13, 2010
Walter Malone, Staff reviewed the request and provided some analysis for the written report.
Ron Ross, Parks and Recreation, addressed the Commission as the applicant. He noted that
this sign was part of the parks improvements already approved by the Commission (front lawn
improvements and walks). He noted the location along Ninth Street and how it worked with the
crescent drive. This will be on the north edge at the street. The hope is that this sign will be the
beginning of an effort to simplify the signage of the park with other signage within the park. The
sign was part of the plan developed for the park including its height. Mr. Ross described the
design, color, dimensions, etc of the sign.
Approximate location of sign.
Elevations of signage (three views).
Commissioner Ripley asked if the design was part of the Park Plan. Mr. Rose indicated it was
very similar and based on the designs from the plan. Commissioner Ripley asked about the
status of the sidewalks. Mr. Ross indicated work had begun last week and that the areas was
currently under construction. He noted that there had been delays due to bidding and other
Commissioner Wiedower asked if this would be a ‘proto-type’ for signage within the park. Mr.
Ross indicated there had been discussion to just that, though the other signs would be smaller
in size. Commissioner Wiedower questioned the height of this sign. Mr. Ross indicated the
basic dimensions came from the consultant park plan. There have been discussions about the
location of other signage though it would likely be more horizontal in nature. Mr. Steve McAteer
for the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History spoke to the Commission. He
addressed some issues with the front drive and where their new signage would be as well as
that of the Art Center. Commissioner Wiedower asked about the curb issue in the application.
Mr. Ross indicated there was a consensus not to change the elevation of the drive, thus that
part of the application was no longer correct and would not be done.
Commissioner Ripley asked about the sign lighting and Chairmen Peters asked if it were in the
ground would it be flush or stick above the ground. Mr. Ross indicated there would be two lights
from the ground on the sign.
Commissioner Vanlandingham noted that period lights had been installed around the
neighborhood and park, how would this contemporary sign fit with these lights and how would
the park be lit? Mr. Ross indicated there would be lights along 9th Street in the future. The
height of the lights would be 15 feet along 9th Street and as you move into the park the height of
lights would be about 12 feet. Lighting will be part of the redevelopment. It is partially a matter
of taste whether to have historic or modern, though he believes the sign and the existing lights
can work together. Commissioner Vanlandingham expressed his concern about the notification
to just the City and Church. This is to approve something that is in conflict with the standards
and there should be a ‘true’ public forum to fully discuss the issue since the design is so
Commissioner Hendrix noted the sign was very contemporary, asked how the design was
chosen and if this was a proto-type for the park. Mr. Ross indicated the design is based on
designs from the Park Plan that tries to pull from the park, neighborhood and area to better
connect the park with the surrounding neighborhoods and areas. The intent is to acknowledge
the historic as well as how people now function. The park has gone through various stages and
evolved through time. It was a military arsenal, a city park, and museums were added. It
represents various time periods. The signs say you are at the park and enhance the entrance
from the neighborhood. There was discussion about a marble monument type of sign versus
this design and both the pluses and minuses were noted.
Chairmen Peters and Commissioner Hendrix discussed the designs and copying of styles (the
Korean monument, historic and modern styles). Commissioner Ripley noted his concern is
these were a ‘stand alone sign’ but if it is a proto-type for signage with the park he had less
concern. The color and style would be ‘eye catching’. Commissioner Wiedower expressed
concerns about the height, why was the height needed?
Wali Caradine indicated that the sign was large, but it would not take away from the area. Since
the sign is high, people will look up to see it and it will not interfere with the lower areas
(grounds). It will also attract people to the area, seeing the high red object from the freeway and
then following it to see what is there, what everything is about. The sign will be for ‘way finding’.
History is created every day, with the plantings and other enhances to the park, they will all work
Steve McAteer was asked about the sign from the standpoint of the MacArthur Military Museum.
He indicated the location at the midpoint was good and could attract from the Interstate/freeway.
Mr. McAteer noted the park was not history, but has history in it with different elements from
different times. This is flexible and user friendly to get people to where the history is.
Page Wilson spoke to the Commission in support. He noted that he owns property in the
District and will be living in the District soon. He noted that the color is meant to be seen easily
(dominate); the park has won nine awards for the design; the sign is ‘low impact’ and a small
component of the overall park. This has been a five-year public process with meetings that
developed the plan, which was finally approved. The scale of the sign should fit with the tower
on the arsenal and tower of the church in either direction. This will be a signature park and this
is a way to jump-start and get the park noticed. The group as a whole is supportive. A park
needs the whimsical and juxtaposition to be a great park (such as Millennium Park in Chicago).
George Campbell indicated he attended the MacArthur Park meetings representing the Quapaw
Towers and he had kept the residents (142) and eight commercial businesses informed on the
proposals for the park and they were all looking forward to the development.
Commissioner Wiedower moved for the approval of the application with all staff
recommendations, Commissioner Ripley second. After allowing for an opposition comments
(there were none), the motion was approved by voice vote (4 supportive with one absent
The Commissioners asked Staff to review the minute records and files on notification of cases
related to MacArthur Park. Mr. Malone indicated staff would do that.
Other Matters
a. Enforcement issues
There has been an enforcement item on 1107 Cumberland related to aluminum /vinyl soffits and
fascia and you will see a request on this at a later meeting.
b. Certificates of Compliance
There has been a CDC issued for 1107 Cumberland for stucco repair and rotted boards around
windows. There was discussion that the two are related work on the same structure.
C. Dunbar Survey Update
Mr. Malone informed the Commission that the Housing Department has started negotiation with
the second consultant. He also noted that Mr. Minyard has talked to Andre Bernard about
meeting with AHPP about the new requirements that could lessen the cost per structure of the
survey. Commissioner Wiedower asked that staff determine if this was the second rated bidder.
Mr. Malone indicated staff would get the Commission information.
d. Preservation Plan
The committee has met and is working through the goals and listed accomplishments. Mr.
Minyard has also met with the Landbank Commission and received positive feedback. Mr.
Malone also noted that Mr. Minyard was on the design review committee for the enhancement
grant in the Stephens and Central High Neighborhoods and would have input on the designs for
e. Ordinance Revisions
Mr. Malone indicated staff was trying to meet with the City Manager and a few Board Members
about issues they had and then the item would be placed on the Board of Directors agenda.
There was discussion about if this included the Historic Commission's makeup and Mr. Malone
indicated that was one of the issues.
f. Bylaws Revisions
After the Ordinance revisions are approved, the Commission will take this back up.
g. Citizen Communication
Boyd Maher addressed the Commission. He stated he wished to introduce the new Executive
Director of the Quapaw Quarter Association Ms. Rhea Roberts. Ms. Roberts invited the
Commission to a meet and greet at Curran Hall. In response to some questions, she provided
some background on her education and experience.
VI. Adjournment
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:13 PM
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